
Sunday, August 1, 2010

He Said, She Said!

Finally, some drama to this unbearably boring season of "Big Brother"! Thank you, Andrew!

During the live show, Hayden and Kristen tried to do damage control by calling Andrew a liar while the rest of the house cast their votes to evict. The pitch of Hayden's voice rising to that of a school girl as he protested his innocence.

Back and forth, an ever more exasperated Hayden and Kristen went with the calm and focused Andrew, who seemed to be more "zhen-like" than Kristen. In fact, Kristen's greatest assets during the fight included her eye rolls and hair flips, which unfortunately were lost to her fellow house mates and captured only by the camera.

Then with the finesse of a bull in a china closet, Hayden pointedly asked Andrew one last time what it was he and Kristen were doing. Without hesitation, Andrew again repeated the fact they were kissing and massaging each other which silenced the outed duo!

I love Andrew, and am hugely disappointed that there's no chance of him coming back!

Girl Fight!
But the best fight of the night occurred during round two, with Rachel taking on Kristen. A little jab here — "floaters better get a life jacket, Kristen" — a little jab there — "I heard you guys (Hayden and Kristen) making out last night" (lie). A counter attack by Kristen, "I don't lie." (Ummm, Kristen, you just lied all over the place about your relationship with Hayden.)

So, Rachel was pushing the envelope by piggy-backing a lie off Andrew's exposure of Hayden and Kristen. Rachel was adamant that she overheard them making out in spite of Kristen countering that they would be fools to have made out with her in the room. (Interesting argument considering that they did make out with Andrew in the room.)

At that point, Hayden got involved and with teeth flashing (quite literally), he called Rachel out, raising the hackles of Brendon who stood close by Rachel.

At that point, Rachel insisted that Kristen had said that she was coming after her and Brendon, when clearly Kristen had said she was not sure who she would put up.

I was in a bit of a quandary as I'm not a fan of either Rachel or Kristen. Who to root for? Rachel is seemingly the best competitor this season, but her personality is so annoying, I would personally prefer having bamboo shoots rammed under my finger nails! Kristen, on the other hand, is only somewhat less irritating, primarily because she says so little. Really, can't stand either one of them!

Meanwhile, the remaining house members steered clear of the mess while quietly celebrating the fact that they were not targets for the upcoming week and their reactions were priceless!

Ragan laughed out loud at Hayden's jab at Rachel that with her education she should try speaking without using the word "like." He was also overjoyed that they finally had a real argument in progress. Lane was wide-eyed and revealed that it was like a good movie and he just wanted people to be quiet, and wished for popcorn. Kathy stood wringing her hands and momentarily forgot who the HOH was as she dispensed hugs to Hayden and Kristen.

But it was Britney's "PHE-NOM-IN-AL" that stood out. She barely repressed her excitement as she viewed the battle in the center ring! Britney's diary rooms sessions are totally making the weekly shows worthwhile! (Hoping she makes it to the end!)

Kristen's rebuff of Rachel's apology was classic. At this point, there's no doubt who Rachel will nominate but the most amazing thing is that Hayden has more game sense than Kristen, and knows how stupid it was not to have simply accepted the apology!

On a side note: Is there something wrong with the volume during the diary room sessions? They are so loud? Annoyingly so! Everyone seems to be about 10 decibels louder than necessary!

The HOH reveal was classic. Everyone trooped upstairs faking excitment and proceeded to kiss Rachel's butt producing some classic diary room sessions! Enzo: "Oh are you a natural blonde?" Britney: "Oh we'd rather hang ourselves," and Hayden: "I wanted to commit suicide the entire time I was in there." Rachel was in her glory, though, and assumed everyone was as excited to be there as she was. At least Brendon was excited! He has first-hand knowledge of how exciting the HOH can be!

The luxury competition was by far the lamest competition, bar none, in the history of BB. The competition featured three incredibly lopsided teams. Kathy, Kristen and Ragan took on the likes of Hayden, Brendon and Enzo, and Lane, Matt and Britney. Of course, the team with two females and the only gay male is going to lose big time to the other two teams. Why not have the three females choose their remaining two teammates? Too easy.

The three "testosterone driven" men landed in an awkward heap at the end, with Hayden on the bottom resulting in Hayden spending a serious amount of DR time describing it! Hips to butt, they all seemed to enjoy it.

The whole purpose of Sunday's shows are to build up suspense to the nominations. But really, was there any question of who would be on the chopping block. Everyone conceded that Kristen was choice number one. The only question was, will it be Hayden or Kathy next to her. Again, there was only one choice, Hayden.

Really, the only curiosity for me in the nomination ceremony was whether or not Rachel could work in the phrase: "Kristen, Hayden, I nominated you too because you were coming between me and my man." But she didn't. Oh well, there's always the goodbye speeches!

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