
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finally! Five!

What this season of "Big Brother" lacks in talented players, it makes up for in ... ummmm ... well ... pretty much nothing!

Among the final five, only one true competitor remains, and her days are numbered unless she wins the next two HOHs. Hayden has won two HOH competitions but it's debatable whether either were truly earned or just lucky. Ragan has won only a single POV, and needs a win to stay in the game.

Now, Lane has won an HOH, but so far the Brigade's remaining three members have hardly turned in stellar performances worthy of their "history making" ambitions. Personally, I found Lane's logic regarding Enzo's lack of accomplishments a little ironic given the fact that he too, had not won until this week!

It's Like Watching a Rerun!
Sunday's episode began with an interminably long, boring recap of the previous week. Come on! Matt was evicted, Hayden won HOH, Brendon and Ragan were nominated, Ragan won POV, Brit was put up as the replacement nom, Brendon is gone. End of story!

Instead of an abridged version of events, we were treated to the player analysis of the events "as" they unfolded — Hayden shouted about the need to win the HOH, Enzo cheered himself on to another non-victory, and Lane expressed happiness that his "boy, Hayden" won the HOH. Definitely no surprises or insight into their strategy. Of course, maybe that is the extent of their strategy.

BB intros are like watching 15 minutes of reruns on every show!

History Making Season?
After the live show ended, the final five celebrated. I know it's an accomplishment but it speaks more to the fact that the better players could not survive without the numbers. Enzo, Lane and Hayden should be thanking Matt for his role in cementing the placement of the "Brigade" at this point of the game but they are too busy patting themselves on the back as the best competitors EVER in the history of the game!

Note to future BB players: Spend less time worrying about the perception of your game play and more time actually playing the game!

Enzo has a habit of working himself into a frenzy about the upcoming competitions. He talks a lot of crap about the other players' competitive skills but he certainly has not brought his "A" game to any of them — yet! As he promises to "bring it," he states firmly that his targets are Britney and Ragan.

Being no dummy, Lane quickly realizes he needs to throw the comp directly to Enzo. Wait, maybe that is the dumb move. It's Enzo for crying out loud — Mr. "Why Can't I Win Anything!" Lane is smart enough to realize that, if he wins, he will be between a rock and a hard place with nominations, so he would prefer that Enzo be the one to nominate Britney. Still, seems rather ambitious to trust Enzo's game skills.

Blackjack BB-Style!
Hayden emerges from the diary room and yells, "It's time for the HOH competition!" So, the four troop to the backyard where they encounter a game of "21" unlike any other in the history of the BB game. Instead of relying on the smarts of the players for a traditional game of Blackjack, it becomes more of a game of chance and a little skill. If this year's BB makes history in any category, it will be for the simplistic HOH competitions.

Britney is out first managing to score only an ace in the first round. She berates herself having already won three POVs and an HOH. But she forgets that luck factored into several of her previous wins. Of course, Mr. All Talk and No Show, Enzo, bombs round two much to the chagrin of Lane and Hayden. Enzo should have left the game a long time ago, and the fact that he remains is an embarrassment to better players that left before.

So Lane realizes it's up to him to take one for the team and knock Ragan out of contention. It was a bit of a nail biter in the third and final round though, and I was halfway hoping Lane would blow it so that Ragan could nominate two of the Brigade members because none of the remaining Brigade members have played well enough to be in the position they are in.

Lane pulled out the victory though, and then lamented Enzo's performance. Unfortunately for Britney, she continues to labor under the delusion that Lane has her back. His Diary Rooms show that his real allegiance is to the Brigade, and Britney probably is beginning to catch on that Lane is super close to Hayden.

How to Ruin a Good Gimmick!
If there's one thing to be said about BB, it's that when the producers find something they like, they stick to it. Take Pandora's Box for instance, last year, it was actually fun when money started raining down in the backyard and Kevin was caught with his hand in the box. It was mildly entertaining to watch an awkward proposal and equally awkward acceptance with Natalie and her boyfriend.

This year, however, the box seems like an albatross. Everyone is opening it without regard to their fell house mates and suffering the consequences. The first PB was intriguing. Who would have turned down the Diamond Power of Veto? But the boxes went downhill from there. Rachel and Jessie were gimmicky and really made me glad that those moments were shielded from the live feed viewers.

Lane's PB was simply ridiculous and had I been him, I would have asked for a reveal of which envelopes contained the amounts necessary to get to $10,000. He personified the old song lyrics, "If I had no bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." The end result, he traded $91.17 for three punishments.

First punishment, no utensils or drinking cups for the week. It's moderately funny to see Britney swigging directly from the two liter bottle, but aside from that, I guess you would have to be there!

A Bird? A Plane? No Enzo in a Penguin Suit!
Enzo's best moment of the game is when he left reality behind for the imaginary world of space flights. I was halfway hoping that he would find an actual wormhole and escape into another dimension.

Obviously boredom has overtaken the house guests, when someone can see a spacecraft in a weight bench, climb aboard and pretend to ride it out of the house.

Question of the day: Does Enzo know the meaning of "shun"?

Lane's Moment of Truth
Eventually, however, the moment of truth came for Lane. His choices of pawn were limited. Put up a Brigade member or put up his bff Britney. Hayden actually provided him with the reasoning necessary to place Enzo on the block — Enzo has not won anything. Lucky for Lane, he did win something, or he might be on the block this week.

Of course, no one WANTS to be on the block, but somebody has got to be. Enzo stays true to form and acts like a big baby about going up against Ragan. If he trusts his alliance, it should not be a problem. The big question though, is can you really trust two guys who shafted their one time leader?

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