
Friday, July 30, 2010

Andrew Goes Down in a Blaze of Glory!

WOW! And may I say again, WOW!

Andrew's exit speech is what exit speeches on "Big Brother" should be! He even bested Annie's week one speech in which she warned everyone to be careful of Rachel and Brendon because they would be this year's Jeff and Jordan. Julie even gave Andrew props for having the best speech she has ever heard on "Big Brother."

Now, I know that there are some people who will say that Andrew did not manage to save himself, so it wasn't really effective but that ultimately did not matter. The votes were already determined and no one changes their mind following the speech. Andrew spoke the truth about pretty much everyone still in the house. None of this sappy, "privilege to get to know you" or "just happy for the opportunity." Andrew laid everything out on the line.

A lot of people focused on him outing Hayden and Kristen, but in his final speech he outed a lot of people, though not all by name. It threw the house into turmoil just moments before the live vote, and best part was that Kristen was basically told to "shut up" by Julie on live TV. How cool is that?

Deny! Deny! Deny!
All the house guests may publicly discount his words. Everyone will deny it. But, by the same token, they all know that what he said about them personally was true, so what if everything else was true? They've got to be thinking about it. Andrew managed a small tidbit about nearly everyone, both to make them doubt and make them believe.

I loved how he outed Hayden and Kristen, who were a little too comfortable in their down low relationship — ignoring each other during the day, followed by heavy duty make out sessions at night. Andrew talked about massages, kissing and more. I particularly loved the "and more" part! The look on Hayden's face was priceless! Brigade members Enzo, Matt and Lane were already wondering what was up between Hayden and Kristen (although Lane was thinking cousins). Well, now they know. Hahahaha!

He directed comments to Hayden, Kristen, Britney, Ragan, Enzo, but he mainly addressed Kristen, who has been a sleeper through most of this season. So far, she's managed to cruise through the season as barely a blip on anyone's radar. Now, if Hayden and Kristen had been smart, they would have simply sat there and let him have his say, and then quietly deny afterward. Instead, both attempted to refute immediately. "Lies, lies, lies."

After the first three votes were cast, a shot of the house showed Andrew still talking. In spite of the outcome, Andrew's words should echo through that house for some time to come. In fact, my guess is that Enzo will be the one to really keep it brewing. He believed Andrew's statements about people talking about his intelligence, and his personality is not one that let's go of things easily.

The goodbye speeches were a bit surreal after Andrew's speech. Rachel, ever delusional, gave her standard, "ain't no one going to get between me and my man." What a complete joke! That relationship is going nowhere outside the house if she sees everyone as a threat to come between her and her man. Insecurity personified!

The HOH competition was the recycled head-to-head competition. Rachel outlasted everyone to earn her place in the HOH room. I did think it was a bit early to have a competition like this because there have only been eight competitions total — three HOH, three Veto and two Have or Have Not. How difficult could it have been? Which leads to the question, just how bad of a player is Kathy?

The saboteur twist is back but it seems a little lame. America chooses who they want to be the saboteur and that person is offered the chance to be saboteur for $20,000. Only a handful would actually do it at this point, but the twist will go nowhere if BB spills the beans again

Like I said earlier, I would much rather watch Annie or Andrew come back to play a role without threat of eviction. They could still participate in the Have or Have Not competitions, but could not play in the veto unless they were house guest choice. In the meantime, they could do subtle sabotage, play out their own strategy and manipulate people with either the truth or complete lies.

The saboteur twist has lacked luster from the beginning and was little more that sophomoric pranks of stink bombs and beeping devices. Saboteurs should disrupt the game play of others, keep them off balance. Instead, they sabotage proved to be only minor annoyances. Now they are bringing it back, but why?

Finally, Matt. I was surprised that even his wife was not on board with his plan to use her imaginary illness, but she sent a letter to help him out? Then, Julie asks if he's afraid that he possibly offended someone? If he's smart, he will take a clue from that and quit talking about the disease. Win on your own merits, or not at all.

But that leads to Matt's declaration that he's the best to ever play. His arrogance is too much. His HOH fell flat. He had the opportunity to get Brendon or Rachel out of the game by nominating both but instead, he put up two of the least aggressive players. Matt considers himself the mastermind but so far, all of the power players remain in the game. He's won just one HOH competition. The Brigade, under his leadership, is quickly turning into the "Four Stooges" as they can't even orchestrate a veto win when they need it.

Usually the live feeds trump the CBS shows in the drama category but not this year. I'm loving the live shows more than feeds! Just wish that Pandora's Box would have included an unevictable Andrew or Annie to wreak havoc in the house, and say whatever was on their minds! Imagine the drama then! If they could not be nominated but

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