
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goodbye, Farewell, and Don't Let the Door Hit You in the Rear!

Life's a bitch and so is Rachel. Sorry to any Rachel fans out there, but she's truly in a class by herself when it comes to bitchy behavior. Demanding apologies and acting like a prima donna when on the block is one of the most ridiculous, self-centered strategies in the history of the game.

Her best line of the game was: I feel like road kill (as she grins through her fake tears). All the road kill I've ever seen is most definitely dead and devoid of any feelings.

An Idiot By Any Other Name is Still an Idiot!
A close second in the bad behavior category is her drama queen boyfriend who chose to sacrifice his chance for a half million dollars to save a woman who he met for the first time six weeks ago.

Brendon is a piece of work, seriously. First, he goes on the attack during the veto speech, followed up by random attacks on Ragan and Britney, and tops it off with the half million dollar question: Am I an idiot? Yes Brendon, you are in fact, an idiot and on so many different levels too, which makes you a monumental idiot!

Brendon's ex-fiance confirmed that the Brendon in the house is pretty much the Brendon outside the house which I suspected all along. Brendon is needy but he's also very controlling. He doesn't want the "Vegas" Rachel, he wants his own version of Rachel. Their interactions are sometimes forced and uncomfortable, and outside the house neither is going to tolerate a relationship where they are not the sole focus.
His attacks on his fellow house guests were embarrassing and he came off as a bully. Brendon tried one last time to keep Rachel in the house with his eviction speech. He managed to sound like a whiney little girl when he compared his experience in the BB house to that of the so-called witches in colonial Salem. I must have missed the feeds when his fellow house guests burned him and Rachel at the stake.

Everyone Came Between Her and Her Man!
But alas, Rachel was evicted 6-0, and it must have been some consolation to Kristen that Rachel was evicted just one week after she was. Britney's goodbye speech may come back to bite her if she makes it to the final two, while Enzo took substantial steps toward gaining her vote.

The only disturbing part was Julie's hint that Rachel might not have seen the last of the BB house. Good lord, really? Haven't we suffered enough? My guess is that it will be a Pandora's Box twist of some kind where Brendon will be offered the opportunity to spend time with her in exchange for something bad happening to the rest of the house. (I say, if that's the PB question, merely having her back in the house for a short time should be punishment enough for the rest of the house guests!) What if the twist was that Brendon would be given the chance to trade places with Rachel? Uggggh ... gotta think about something else ....

How Do You Spell Lame: S-A-B-O-T-E-U-R
Lame to begin with, the saboteur twist is getting lamer as time goes on. Ragan is doing nothing to sabotage the house except for some ill-conceived messages which spread little or no alarm, distrust or fear among his house mates. The messages are a brief diversion and that's hardly lethal.

Ragan should have to go to his housemates and spread discord by saying he heard such and such, or so and so said something. Instead, he records the messages in the diary room and does not have to worry about actual exposure. The next tasks had better require him to physically do something in the house, or I will demand my money back. Well, maybe not my money but someone should get their money back because he's not sabotaging anything!

What's up with all the physical HOH challenges? Let's see a before or after quiz, true or false or "Which Evicted House Guest said..." Maybe the producers know there's small chance the guys would actually win a purely mental HOH.

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