
Monday, August 16, 2010

Rachel's Man Takes Home the Victory!

Okay! That's it! The saboteur has got to go. In terms of a twist, the saboteur is an epic fail!

There's a story floating on the Internet that Ragan actually turned down the producers, who were horrified because there was no provision preventing him from telling the rest of the house of the offer. So, according to the rumor, the producers renegotiated the terms of the deal to: 1.) Allow Ragan to be the saboteur without risking anything; and 2.) Make it seem that money wasn't the issue but instead that he wanted to pacify America.

Annie took risks, as she actually did things in the house. Ragan, on the other hand, has merely had to record a few messages with his face and voice scrambled to ironically sound just like Annie! What's the point?

During the most recent show, he turned down the tasks that would have required him to do something in the house, instead opting for yet another message. He tied back to Annie's days as saboteur by accusing two members of the house of being in a pre-show friendship. The part that I don't like is that he threw Kathy and Britney under the bus by saying it involved a female and male. Britney, unfortunately, becomes the obvious choice along with Lane. I really dislike this twist!

Whatever Happened to True Endurance?
As is often the case on Sunday's show, BB spent nearly half the show reviewing the HOH "endurance" comp from Thursday. This year's endurance comps are totally ridiculous and hardly merit dedicating more than three or four minutes to the outcome. The Diary Room "revelations" aired between segments are laughable. These "insights" are recorded as if house guests are in the middle of the competition rather than having the contest already decided. This technique lends an artificial air to the entire process leaving me to question: Is it really necessary?

There are a few things worth noting, however. First, this competition was tailor made for the big strong guys. Kathy and Britney stood no chance of winning this as hauling the rope around must have been tiring. Second, where is the Brigade? I'm with Matt in his assessment that the Brigade is nearly worthless in competitions. Only Lane managed to hang in there close to Brendon, but he should have been driven by the same passion. Maybe being on the block will light a fire under him. Finally, Enzo is an embarrassment! He fell so far behind that his only competition was Kathy for last place!

If I were the Brigade, I would want to get rid of Enzo first because he's playing for the "good guy" vote. So far, he has no blood on his hands, and he's apparently committed to leaving goodbye messages that smooth any ruffled feathers. He's by far the most dangerous person to have facing the jury and saying, "I didn't put any of yous up and would like to have worked with all of yous."

The Man Who Got Between Everyone Else and Victory!

Brendon pulled out the win, and Matt was less than happy to turn the key over. Really though, was the outcome ever in question? Brendon was clearly the odds on favorite for this comp!

Enzo lamented the sub-alliances of Matt and Lane, while maintaining that he and Hayden had no one. But is that really true? Nope. He and Hayden secured their sub-alliance with Brendon shortly before Rachel was evicted. So, Enzo's words just fell flat. I predict that the Brigade will implode before this week ends!

The segment featuring Britney and Lane was the highlight of an otherwise pretty mundane show. They actually have the best "showmance" of the season - one part flirting, one part teasing, two parts mutual attraction, and two parts mystery.

As for the nominations, the only question was what possible combination of Ragan, Matt, Britney and Lane would be on the block. I have to say I respect Brendon's decision to put non-players Ragan and Matt on the block as opposed to Matt and Britney who have won comps and worked hard to stay in the game.

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