
Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Rachel Wants, Rachel Gets!

(Ed Note: Written Thursday, Aug. 5, but for some reason did not post until today.)
Britney for the win! Kidding! But really, Britney is playing a great game, competitively and socially.

The one thing that no one can deny is that "Big Brother" is a social game. The best or better strategic player does not always win. BB10's Dan was well aware of the fact and played the game accordingly, taking Michelle on a date to solidify her vote. His strategy was great too, as he orchestrated the eviction of Keesha but managed to keep her as an ally.

So, this year we have Britney who was at war with Rachel during week two, but somehow managed to get beyond this to be at least outwardly friendly to Rachel. She routinely bites to the bullet to join Rachel in a bubble bath! Britney's diary rooms are freaking hilarious though as she unleashes her true feelings. She's in pretty good with the guys too, and even has Kathy believing that she won't put her up.

Britney also has won two POVs — both of them with an element of luck, but a win nonetheless.

Britney could go far and ultimately win, especially if she keeps the caustic Rachel in the game and faces her at the end. Right now, it's to her advantage to throw the HOH competitions so she is not forced to reveal her strategy.
One Hot Mess!
Rachel, on the other hand, is as her shirt suggests, "A Hot Mess!" Socially, the only true bond she has made is with "Emoman" Brendon. Driven by jealousy, she's made every vote about getting between her and her man, and just watch, those words will come out of her mouth during the goodbye speeches to Kristen because Kristen talked to Brendon about his vote this week.

Rachel is competitive but not necessarily the best strategist to come to the game. She wants to win HOH more to give herself alone time with Brendon then to take out strong players. Her week two nominations were indicative of her thinking. Eliminate the floaters has been her moniker but really she's just trying to get rid of the other women to ensure no one tries to steal Brendon.

Speaking of Brendon, in amongst his romantic drivel, he actually had some pretty good advice to Rachel, who apparently does not take advice well. Rachel's nomination speech was classic Rachel. Her "bring it" was unnecessary and stupid, and made the other players dislike her even more. Brendon was absolutely right but Rachel needs to think BEFORE she engages her mouth instead of apologizing after the fact.
How to Sink Yourself
Kristen's game was nonexistent before this week. Maybe her game plan was to go unnoticed until Andrew sunk that boat during his eviction speech. In retrospect, Andrew probably could have used the showmance information as blackmail to get Kristen and Hayden's votes. Actually, though, Kristen's own actions sunk her boat.

Last Thursday changed all that though, as Kristen kicked in a game plan that made Hayden look like a sheer genius. 1.) Argue with the HOH; 2.) Throw the "olive branch" back in the face of the HOH; 3.) Not go up to the HOH; and generally, not back down for anything. Kissing butt is part of the BB game, like it or not.

So far, Kristen has not played to win and it was not that surprising that, in a game of chance, she was the first to go out. Hayden was at least playing to win, and he would have been stupid not to take the veto from Kristen.

Next, Kristen relied on Hayden to orchestrate a plan for both to stay in the house. Actually, it was a pretty good plan that could have saved both him and Kristen this week, although the Brigade probably would have voted Kristen out anyway. Everything was in place: Rachel and Brendon had agreed, Britney was on board, and Hayden was anxiously awaiting the POV ceremony that would result in him being taken down and sacrificial lamb Kathy put up in her place.
Personal vs. Strategy
In her single most strategic move of the season, Rachel threw Lane's name in as a possible replacement nominee. Rachel is well aware that Lane and Britney have bonded in the house, and Britney is not quick to throw her friends under the bus. By mentioning Lane's name, she effectively eliminated Britney's option of using the POV to pull Hayden off the block, ensuring that her nominees would remain the same. It must be noted however, that Rachel's strategic move was borne out of personal motivation.

Blindsiding Hayden and Kristen was simply a bonus, as BB called Britney to the DR immediately after the decision was made thus making it impossible to warn Hayden and Kristen prior to the veto ceremony. Anything for drama!

My biggest complaint though is with BB. How long are you going to continue the unitard penalty? It started with Jen Johnson during BB8, who actually seemed overjoyed to wear it and it's been used ever since. The hippietard is just ridiculous and the fact that Kristen will go out the door wearing it is stupid as well. It's time to get some new production staff!

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