
Thursday, July 22, 2010

BB Personalities — More Irritating Than Not!

It wouldn't be "Big Brother" without a few irritating personalities! Every season has them BUT season 12 has a bumper crop!

Of course, my first impressions of the house guests tend to change as time goes on, call me noncommittal. There was only one season where I rooted for the same person start to finish — season 8's Daniele Donato. Other than that season, my views of the house guests evolved week to week.

For instance, I started season 10 liking Brian, but within a few weeks of him leaving the house, I could not remember why. Eventually, my favorites narrowed to Dan and Keesha.

Then during 11, I liked Lydia, but not so much after she started hanging with Jessie. Outside the house though, I really started enjoying her interaction with the fans. Plus, I thoroughly enjoy her show with Kevin, Poptalkwebshow. I also really liked Michele during her season, but afterward, not so much.

So this year, my pre-show favorites were Annie and Andrew (just occurred to me if they would have had a showmance, they could have been known simply as "Andrew" :) ). Annie remained a favorite after the first show, as did Andrew, but the first night on the feeds, my impressions of both changed dramatically.

The past few episodes, though, have been pivotal in shaping my opinions of all the house guests.

Annie: Early favorite, but lost favor when I saw her playing to the extreme on the feeds. Last Thursday's live eviction, showcased Annie at her best. Her exit speech was tremendous and anyone listening should have heeded her warning. Her live interview was epic and I saw the Annie that I assumed would have been in the house from the start. I think being the saboteur ultimately hurt her game.

Also an early favorite, Andrew was pummeled by the opening feeds. Then, without allies, he soon became the sad, underdog of the cast. Ostracized by nearly everyone, he's been cruising along and very nearly being nominated as a pawn last week. In my book, Andrew needs to stay in the house as long as possible because he's the GUARANTEE that there will be something else to eat during slop week because slop is not kosher. I <3 Andrew!

Tied for the top spot on my most irritating people list is Brendon. I'm all in favor of him showing a softer side but, good grief, what's up with him? He cries like a baby and then turns to accuse Brittany of the same thing? Plus, his showmance with Rachel just makes me say ugh as they crossed the line to daily sexual escapades that sometimes are interrupted by the indomitable Kathy. His redeeming quality? He likes Andrew.

Oh my eyes!
A word about showmances. Do these people really feel that they will find a "life partner" in a house with only six or seven members of the opposite sex to choose from? The choices are usually made even narrower by sexual orientation or age. I mean I understand the infatuations but not the potential for long term commitments. Jeff and Jordan, you say? Well, there are exceptions, but until reach the alter, I'm going to remain a bit skeptical.

May as well address Rachel here. She's quite possibly the most irritating person in the house, but I'm still thinking tie with her showmance partner, Brendon. From her voice that's like fingernails on the blackboard to her laugh that makes me cringe, she's the total irritating personality package! She's kind of an ultra version of BB8's Jen Johnson. Unfortunately, those in control of the feeds assume that we want to see every moment of the Brendon and Rachel's budding romance!

Britney is actually the one house guest who has risen a lot in my opinion. Her witty commentary about Rachel's HOH room was terrific! Loved her comments during Wednesday's episode: "Every time she (Rachel) wears a short skirt I feel like STDs have gone airborne!" Plus, I love her Rachel impersonation, so that's an added bonus. Then, her goodbye message to Monet is destined to become a classic moment! I hope she makes it to at least the jury.

Then there's Hayden. Sorry Hayden, but not a big fan. Maybe it's the "Brigade" or maybe it's his genuine sense that a foursome can make it to the end. Hayden also looks a little "off" in my opinion. I keep thinking Tarzan when I see him and not in a good way either. :p If his "third grade crush" is uncovered, how soon until the other three Brigade members question his loyalty?

Matt has put me on a rollercoaster — I've liked him, not liked him, liked him... there's a definite pattern developing! It's been pretty up and down. I think it's his arrogance that turns me off. His willingness to be put up as a pawn reminded me so much of Dustin from BB8 when he volunteered to be "the courtesy flush" to Evel Dick. Matt has the potential to go far but he should have eased off the accelerator a bit this past week.

The biggest trouble I see with some contestants is that they really believe that they are smarter than this game. Instead of simply playing smart, they believe they can do almost anything, and remain in the game. It's not even good strategy.

I like Enzo's accent, and by and large, I really like his style but his alliance made me think a little less of him, plus his constant and consistent "meow, meow" is a little irritating. Still, he's at least attempting to make the house and game more interesting.

I really have wanted to like Kathy but she seems clueless overall to game play, strategy, and most importantly, when Brendon and Rachel are having sex and three becomes a crowd. Watching her slip into bed next to them time and again as they are in various states of undress under the covers is just plain awkward. I really don't know if Kathy is naive or just a bit crazy!

Some players have yet to impact me in either a positive or negative way. They seem kind of like props in the background to some scenes.

Kristen, Hayden's love interest, is a little vanilla flavored in my opinion, but she might be playing a great strategic came. Push will come to shove if Hayden is faced with voting out Kristen over one of his Brigade members. Right now, my money's on Kristen to come out on top in that battle.

Outside of winning $10,000 Monet barely registered for me except that she was generally the counterpart to Britney's witty one-liners about Rachel. I'm hoping that with Monet gone, Britney will still get off a few zingers.

Lane at his best.

Lane and even Ragan seem pretty one dimensional at this point. Lane does not even know what a "brigade" is and for a time I wondered if he would turn into the male version of Amber BB8. Ragan is smart but a little uncertain. I really thought after Britney's comments during the premiere, they would turn out to be good friends.

I think one of the challenges this season should be morphs of a current player with a past season doppelganger. This could be fun!

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