
Monday, July 26, 2010

Matt's HOH: What Could Have Been!

What a waste!

Matt's nominations of Kathy and Andrew are hardly earth shaking and, in the weeks ahead, will likely be viewed as a "fail" for the week.

After battling it out in the HOH, Matt found himself facing off against Ragan and Andrew — an unlikely threesome in this first endurance comp. Andrew made some tentative attempts to secure his safety this week, but it really came down to Matt who was already in the throes of planning his own version of the coup! Refusing to deal with Andrew, Matt remained solid and eventually forced Andrew from the game.

Andrew, for his part, put in a great effort. Of all the people on the boards (with the exception of Kathy), Andrew seemed to be the least confident. He awkwardly maneuvered in his short, shorts, up and down the surfboard, until a slight backward movement caught him unaware and forced him down. Great effort!

From that point on, Matt seemed set on nominating Kathy. Why? Revenge? He seems to be genuinely upset that Kathy was the second vote against him but is she worth his HOH nom? Hardly. True, she's got to go sometime, but third week?

BTW, I love the BB recaps when the voice over says, "Matt, the self-described genius." Makes me wonder because "Mensa" members always offer up proof of just how smart they are! Self-described, hmmmmmm!

Matt's HOH reveal was a little bit of a surprise. His wife sent a letter that made it sound like she was recovering from an illness which fed the story that she has a rare disease. I can't help but wonder if it was a very well planned letter. Another hmmmm!

Matt definitely considers himself the brains of the "Brigade" and I suppose when one of the members is Lane, it really does not take much to surpass him; however, Matt's biggest mistake is assuming that he's smarter than the game. The Brigade is hardly going to be happy if Matt continues to go out on his own making decisions. They wanted Brendon and Rachel up, but Matt assumes he can manipulate the game and implement the dreaded backdoor of Brendon.

Backdoors are effective, IF you can pull it off but there are few guarantees in a game like "Big Brother." Matt's arrogance is palpable, and it will begin to grate on the nerves of his fellow house mates not to mention his fellow Brigade members.

The veto becomes so important in Backdoor plans. First off, the right people need to play. Then, the right person needs to win, and finally, that person needs to agree to use it.

Now, if you are a feed watcher, you know already who played in the veto. If you haven't seen it, and prefer not to know the outcome, STOP READING NOW!

Everything that could go wrong, went wrong with the veto challenge. For one thing, Brendon played for the veto. For another, well, Brendon won the veto, ensuring his safety for another week. Brendon would have to be stupid to use the veto and risk Rachel going on the block.

So ultimately either non-player Kathy will go home this week, or non-aligned Andrew. By the looks of things, Andrew is on his way home.

What a waste!

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