
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


After watching the veto speeches during "Big Brother" this evening, I have just one question for Andrew: whyyyyyyy?

Andrew told Brendon he planned to make a bold move. I suppose, Andrew's bold move could, more correctly, be considered a desperate move. I think he was feeling, and correctly so, that he was running out of options.

Still, he called out Matt and pretty much the entire house, followed by stating directly and boldly that he planned to go after Brendon and Rachel if he stayed. Andrew ended with a direct plea to Brendon to use the veto on him.

Confused? Yeah me too! I mean I suppose it was a bold move. It certainly was an original move. But what was Andrew's motivation?

In going to Brendon prior to his veto speech and letting him know that he was going to make a bold move, I think Andrew was hoping that he would ease Brendon's mind about what he planned to say. I think Andrew was hoping that the Brigade would want to keep him after hearing that Brendon and Rachel were his targets. Deep down, I think Andrew was hoping that Brendon would choose him over Rachel, which falls into the "Ain't gonna happen" category.

Ultimately, in my opinion, Andrew's speech backfired in a big way. Not only will Rachel use his speech to confirm to Brendon that a.) Andrew does not like her, and b.) Andrew plans to get rid of her. Matt, Lane, Enzo and Hayden will view him as a threat because he not only revealed their original plan, but called them on it in front of the entire house. Kristen, Britney, Kathy and Ragan will probably just view him as completely crazy.

Actually, though, if they thought about it, Andrew would be a great person to keep around. He could be the perennial nominee — the one that is always on the block. No one likes him, and everyone will probably think he's burned any and all bridges with his speech. Everyone should start thinking about the possibility of bringing Andrew to the end with them because who would vote for him if he's final two or three?

Maybe that was part of his bold move! If it works, and Andrew stays in the game, he might have pulled off the biggest upset of the game. If it doesn't, well, he was probably going home anyway.

I have to rationalize because I love Andrew. I wanted to see him hang in there until the final three. I would love to have seen this Jewish guy with a bit of a reckless streak make it all the way to the end of the game.

But I still have one question, and this time, it's for Matt: Whyyyyyyyyyyy Matt? Why didn't you just nominate Rachel and Brendon, and be done with it? Why did you have to think you were smarter than the game?

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