
Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer of Sabotage Ends Early!

Under normal circumstances, I have to give kudos to the producers of "Big Brother" for reinventing itself and coming up with insanely great ideas.

But alas, this is not one of them! In fact, this year's "Summer of Sabotage" is among the lamest in reality history and completely fizzled out to just "13 Days of Everyday Life in the BB House."

Certainly, the twist did allow for some early fan involvement but the tasks lacked creativity, and worse yet was the list of props that included duct tape and beeping devices. On the other hand, the build up was tremendous, and people were kept guessing right up until Julie announced it.

I, for one, was all over the board in my guesses. Andrew? Too obvious. Brendon? Too obvious. I even went out on a limb to suggest that it was, drum roll please, Kathy. But, instead of her being the saboteur, it turns out that she is just colossally poor in competitions.

Annie the Saboteur
So, when Julie announced that the saboteur was Annie, I was stunned. In spite of considering her a lead candidate early on, Annie evolved, literally, into the last person on my list of potentials after watching her game play this past week.

As the show closed last week, and the feeds began, Annie was in a state of, shall we say, overplay? Whispering here, whispering there, essentially whispering everywhere! Consulting and confiding, and to me, generally not playing the role of saboteur but rather playing the role of the classic, "too eager" gamer. She reminded me of Joe from BB8 or Ronnie from BB11. This strategy simply does not work.

In my opinion, which is all that counts haha JK, :) Annie played the complete opposite of how a saboteur should play. ABC's reality game show, "The Mole," has lifted the role of saboteur to an art form. The players themselves are only confident in the fact that they are not the mole. They admittedly are so unsure that many times their goal is only to complete the final test quicker than anyone else to hopefully avoid elimination.

Annie should have avoided early alliances and friendships. She could have played the field as a floater, but instead, she formed a quick alliance with Brendon and his Cruella DeVille sidekick, Rachel. Once they were on the block, she should have distanced herself somewhat from them. Annie blamed Brittney for starting the rumor that she was aligned with Brendon and Rachel, but it was so painfully clear from the start that she was close to them that it did not take a rocket scientist to figure out the connection.

To me, the first week should be the easiest week to avoid being booted. There are 12 other choices during the first week. Still, maybe the producers should have done something to protect her. Maybe they should have waited to tell the house guests about the saboteur until the first live show.

I can hear Julie now:
"House guests! Some of you may have noticed some things going amiss in the house over the past 13 days. Some of you may have noticed that the clock on the microwave was inexplicably off. Some of you may have noticed the out of order sign on the washing machine. Some of you may have noticed the lack of hot water. Some of you may have noticed your personal items have gone missing. Well, that's because there's a saboteur in your midst!"

Locking the storage room door was lame. Why not just hide some food items? The messages from the saboteur were equally uninspired. Does anyone really believe that there are two people with a prior relationship?
Now What?
So, week one, the saboteur is gone from the house. Problem is, I actually liked Annie. She brought the element of drama to a house badly in need of a little drama. She was interesting to watch on the feeds and I loved her exit interview! Perfect! I also loved her exit speech. I mean really folks, you are keeping a "couple" in the house, and evicting a person who just cut her only ally off at the knees?

The so-called "brigade" should have seen the opportunity to go after their sworn enemy Brendon, by evicting his soul mate and leaving him with the hot mess known as Annie.

Instead, what happened? Cruella Deville correctly answers the tie breaking question right and we have a week long butt kissing session with Rachel. The similarities to season 8 were drawn again during the HOH competition "Majority Rules."

Reaching the end of the competition with several house guests still in the running, Julie asks, "How many gallons of caramel in the pit?" Rachel throws a guess out there that was pure and simple, a guess. There was no calculating involved because it would be impossible in the amount of time allotted, to determine the area of the pit, depth of liquid, that would translate to the number of gallons of carmel. Rachel was off by about 250 gallons. But when she won, it was like Jen Johnson winning during season 8 when she correctly guessed the number of gallons of water the teacup would hold. Extremely random and purely luck!

So now begins Rachel's reign! I predict that Hayden is going on the block, probably alongside Kristin. If they (come on, you know Brendon will be part of the decision making) want Hayden out though, they should wait to put him up until after the POV and try to back door him.

Personally, I want Andrew and Matt to team up; however, Matt is too far ensconced in the "Brigade" to see his way out right now. Still, I want Andrew to survive and would love to see him at the end of the game.

I'm just hoping the producers end the sabotaging for the sake of Andrew. If they continue on, he could take the fall because he's a huge suspect inside the house.

Here's the question though, will they revive the saboteur in another form?

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