
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parvati Makes Move for Greatest Survivor Honors!

I have a nominee for "Greatest Survivor Ever" and it's not Russell.

Parvati owned tonights episode! What's really strange to me is that I have never liked Parvati, and still don't but I respect her game play. Something that Russell probably does not.

What Not To Do!
Russell's first mistake is "implicitly" trusting his alliance of three women. Well, maybe not his first mistake, but his biggest mistake so far. He shares everything! Diarrhea of the mouth! Russell loves to hear himself talk and he's making a fool of himself. He goes to the group that he perceives on the same level as his harem and tells him his strategy, plans, future goals.

To his credit, Russell knows that he needs to invent a story to explain Parvati's presence in the game. Fortunately for him, JT is playing the game for everyone and comes up with his own reasoning. Obviously, if Parvati is still in the game, she must have used an idol too. Gotta hand it to JT. He's so changed his image from his first go-round, that he now seems to the stupidest winner in the history of the game.

Russell's second mistake is underestimating the game play of the women. In both his seasons, Russell has gotten rid of the people that he perceived as being against him and decimated his tribe in the process. Last season, he kept Jayson who was smart but not a threat to Russell because he ultimately kept most of his opinions to himself. Russell's mistake was keeping Natalie in the game. She too, played hard and made a game changing move in the process. He underestimated her, and he's doing the same thing this season.

Parvati the Player
Parvati is no virgin to the game of "Survivor." In fact, she knows exactly what she's doing. Parvati could give lessons on how to play a man, and she's playing Russell for all he's worth. She bats her eyes at Russell, and he falls for her like school boy. In her past two experiences, she learned exactly how far she could go with her charm — all the way to the end!

She's also massaged Russell's ego by allowing him to think he's in charge of the game. Parvati wanted to keep Courtney over Sandra, but did not press too hard because Russell wanted Courtney out. Why? Probably because she insulted him but in the end, but Sandra is a more dangerous player.

Strategy Makes Their Heads Hurt
The Heroes are at least trying to play the game but when Amanda said her head hurt from the strategy talk, that's exactly the impression I get from Colby when I see him in a challenge or at Tribal Council. Colby seems genuinely puzzled by this new game of "Survivor" that relies heavily on strategy and less on physical prowess.

Sandra hands the keys of the game to Rupert. He goes to his tribe and informs them that all is not what it seems but he's up against the ego of JT, who can't admit that he is wrong. Rupert brings up a great point about Russell's obvious attempts to win them over. Following the merge, Russell swears on the lives of his children. Who does that? Only someone who is so anxious to drive his point home would be that over-the-top.

Rupert suggests not voting out Parvati but voting out someone else in an attempt to get them to show their cards. It's a good strategy, but why not go for Russell instead?

What Were They Thinking?
The Immunity Challenge favored the women but I did not understand the logic of so many. Colby bowed out simultaneously with Sandra. Even Rupert, with a broken toe, outlasted Colby. What!?!

Also in the "Makes No Sense" category, was Candice bowing out during the final three. The only possible explanation was that she wanted to find out what Parvati would do. Still, Jeff even took a moment to point out how illogical her decision was. Her explanation was lame: they looked like they could stay awhile. Again, what!?!

When Parvati slid down the pole it was obvious that she was feeling safer than she should have, and the Heroes picked up on that fact. Even JT was wondering what was going on by this point but remember, he "explicitly" trusted Russell.

Worst Liar of the Game!
Amanda. She's had the most interesting game of the Heroes so far. Befriending Parvati was a stroke of genius but she should have stopped when she was ahead. By telling her that she was on her side, Amanda got Parvati to spill the information about her idol — something she had not even told Russell!

When she lied to Parvati that she was still a potential candidate for their votes, Parvati saw right through it. Amanda is simply one of the worst liars to date.

Amanda's best choice would have been to go back to her tribe and convince them to go after Parvati again. She had to have sensed that Parvati was not that worried after they talked. Amanda must known how bad the lie came off but the Heroes proved that once their minds are set, they are set in stone.

What's a Girl To Do With Two Idols?
Russell was still feeling in control of everything. He was so sure that Parvati was in danger that he passed her the idol for the second time in the game. Parvati, on the other hand, was already aware that she was no longer a target but accepted the idol anyway. Now with two idols in her possession, the possibilities were limitless.

The Tribal Council was epic — far better than Russell saving Parvati in a last minute gesture a few weeks ago. Parvati arrived with both idols in her bag and passed one off to Sandra and the second to Jerri. The best game move ever! In one moment, she trumped Russell's previous moves.

Parvati showed that she was willing to go out on a limb to not only save a close ally in Jerri, but someone who would most definitely flip if she had to, Sandra! You could literally see the Heroes team deflate! You could almost sense that the Heroes threw in the towel.

The Heroes have no one to blame but themselves. They heard Sandra's information and chose to do virtually nothing about it. Why didn't they invite her to join them and act as a mole during the initial Tribal Council after the merge?

Parvati's move came at an opportune time. The two tribes have merged, two members of the jury who witnessed Russell's previous Tribal Council coup are just feet away, and Parvati makes a huge game changing play. Those jury members and potential jurors will remember this night when it's time to cast their votes. If Jerri and Sandra are part of the jury, they will remember that Parvati saved them.

Russell needs to be asking himself why everyone from the start of the game has been worried about Parvati. Why has everyone been wanting her out? She's a player Russell. A better player than you!

Next week looks like another great episode! Can't wait and maybe there will be a second female nomination for "Greatest Survivor Ever!"

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