
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Not So Secret, Dirty Little Secrets of BB9!

"Big Brother 9" was by far, my least favorite season. Maybe because it aired at a different point in the year as CBS's solution to the writers' strike. Maybe because of the forced couples alliance. Or maybe because it came on the heals of my favorite season, "Big Brother 8." Whatever the reason, I had a hard time really getting in to it.

The Couples
Alex and Amanda were paired together. Real life couple Ryan and Jen were paired with other people (Allison and Parker) while real life ex-couple Sharon and Jacob were paired together. There was a gay couple, Joshuah and Neil, and just plain couples Matt and Natalie, and James and Chelsia. Last but not least, Adam was coupled with Sheila, making them the oldest couple in the house, much to Adam's chagrin.

Almost from the start, it became apparent that the casting department had gone out of their way to find some true misfits. Sure, there were some every year, but this year stole the show.
The Stories Behind the Stories
James was billed as a young man bicycling around the world but soon the internet discovered his "dirty little secret." James, while paired with Chelsia and calling himself straight, had indulged in a variety of gay porn movies pre-BB. Soon his images were posted on various sites alongside his nude images from the show. He also sported a variety of tattoos, including one of a priest which was likely a slap in the face to many Catholics.

Adam was a teacher of autistic children who called them "retards" while in the house. He spoke of drug use and disclosed the basis for his nickname, "Baller." Any sane parent would have wondered what was happening to the educational system in America if Baller was any indication of the type of teachers we have.

Matt was the typical chauvinist. Natty regularly "serviced" Matt who welcomed her advances at night but pushed her away during the day. The mixed signals lead to a colossal blowout between the two of them witnessed by the entire house, along with the live feed viewers.

Natty, on the other hand, was not averse to removing her clothing and preaching Christ at the same time. Well, possibly not at the same time but really close. An interesting mix, she, Matt, Sheila and Baller became known as "Team Christ." In addition to making Matt happy at night, Natalie's other talent was the ability to "squirt milk" from her breasts.

Jen and Ryan had agreed to keep their relationship a secret while in the house but that turned out to be easier said than done. Their one claim to fame was a bathroom tryst that lead to the shortest recorded sexual excapade in the history of the show.

Allison and Sheila decided it would be great strategy to tell people they were lesbian lovers who knew each other outside the house. Yep. That'll do it! Best strategy in the world! Sarcasm. When they came out of the closet that they were lying, no one believed them.

Jacob made an early exit when the house decided he was stirring the pot. Haha, it's BB folks, everyone stirred the pot. He could quite possibly have been one of the "normal" ones that season.

Parker, without a partner after Jen and Ryan came out of the closet, moved on to Amanda who had accused Alex of attempted rape after an evening together in the HOH. Alex, for his part, was frustrated feeling that BB had purposely teamed him with a virgin to ensure that he would not get "any."

Gay couple Neil and Joshuah lasted only a short time as Neil mysteriously disappeared from the show. There were some interesting rumors including a family emergency but if that had been true, Julie Chen would likely have explained it on one of the shows. Joshuah went on to unleash one of the vilest, most repugnant rants against Amanda. Reminiscent of Evel Dick (BB8), Josh acknowledged that he wanted to the the "gay Evel Dick."

There was a lot of sex and a lot of nudity but nothing really struck the "Big Brother" chord that made it a great season and it was a relief when it ended. Maybe the couples theme set the tone for the entire season, and all the players got distracted from real game play in their quest to hook-up. Who knows? It just lacked something in my book.

How to Start a Drug Ring -- Baller Style
Baller took home the grand prize after promising to give some to an autism charity. Baller did have big plans for the money but autism was far from his mind. He went back to Florida and started a drug ring with his winnings. In October 2009, 18 months after winning, Baller was arrested in Massachusetts with 2,000 Oxcodone pills in his possession and intent to distribute on his mind. Adam entered a treatment facility. After completing the program, he was allowed out on bail but remains under house arrest waiting for trial.

Three Strikes in a Week!
Matt seemed to be doing okay. About a year ago, he posted pics with his girlfriend and seemed genuinely in love. The two shared a Facebook for awhile. In early April, Matt and his girlfriend announced their engagement and pregnancy. The BB world of internet fans emitted a nearly audible "awwwww" at the announcement.

Then last week, everything unraveled for Matt. First came news that he was arrested for beating his seven-week pregnant girlfriend. Then came news he was re-arrested for intimidating her. Finally, on Monday, he was arrested a third time eight days, for his role in Adam's drug ring. Hardly a stellar citizen.

James, too, struggled a bit publicly. Once out of the house, the psuedo-celebrity that greets the past house guests can be bit overwhelming and James found himself quickly swept up in the entire scene. James posted regular videos on youtube chronicling his dangerously self-destructive behavior. He traveled to Europe with his girlfriend and continued to post his regular bouts with problematic behavior while asking fans to send donations in support of his lifestyle.

And So On...
Eventually, James started a bicycle trip to Africa hoping for the financial support of fans who were wearied by his constant requests for gifts and donations. His trip ended shortly after he left a pirate ship, as he came to the realization that it just would not work out. He traveled home to Florida and is working. Hopefully, he will get his life on track.

Natalie followed her own not too surprising path. Apparently unable to get "Playboy" or "Penthouse" backing, she started her own nude photo website. Whether it's the photographer's lack of creativity or Natalie's inability to convey real emotion, the few photos I've seen are mundane, run of the mill and hardly worth sacrificing whatever remains of her dignity.

Jen and Ryan lasted only a few months after the show. Ryan went to Boston to visit Matt and had an affair. Jen quite publicly ended it and flew to California to be with Alex. The two appeared in some rather intimate photos giving everyone the idea they were in a relationship. Within two months, Jen was on the move to Arizona to live with her new love (not Alex). After appearing on BB, having sexing in the bathroom as the cameras rolled (sound but no pics), publicly berating her boyfriend for an affair, flying to the arms of a fellow BB player, and moving to another state to be with a new boyfriend that she had only known two months, Jen was disappointed to find out that it was difficult to get another teaching job. She blamed BB but in reality, she only had herself to blame.

BB9 Success Stories
And so it goes. Sure, Alex has continued his successful DJ company and has finished his masters degree in education. Amanda has apparently found happiness in Minnesota and is five months pregnant with a little girl. Chelsia is working for Real Player in Seattle. Sheila has ran a marathon and appeared a few times on TV. Parker is quite successful pursuing a career in commercials. Jacob, Sharon, Joshuah and Allison have all but disappeared, which might be a blessing in disguise.

So, was it the season? Or was it the casting? Did they consciously try to find people that were living on the edge? Or was it all luck, very bad luck that one season included two future felons? Who knows? But personally, I think they need to pay closer attention to the psych evals!

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