
Thursday, April 15, 2010

History Making Stupidest Move Ever!

Who would've guessed that the single stupidest move in "Survivor" history would occur during a season of veterans?

The Heroes' male members determined that the Villains' camp was being run by the women. So sure of it, Rupert took it upon himself not once, but twice, to mention it in hearing distance of the Villains! As a result, JT hatched a plan that will most certainly be the beginning of the end for the Heroes tribe. JT's plan involved secretly giving Russell the Hidden Immunity Idol if the Villains lost the Immunity Challenge.

First, how stupid!

What the Heck was in the Water?
Second, did I mention, how stupid? Did the Heroes feel themselves clairvoyant at that point? Did they really believe they were "all knowing" as to what was happening on the Villains side?

Apparently! I guess winners, and near winners of the show are blessed with some super secret inner knowledge of what the other team is thinking and doing. Or, at least they think they are!

Colby, Rupert and JT were completely set on the idea of the women's alliance wiping out the men. Only Amanda questioned it, but she and Candice were anxious to get the idol out of the hands of JT, and into the hands of someone — anyone — else! Ever since Russell and Coach showed up as the last two remaining males, JT has been casting reassuring words, glances, nods and whatever else he could toward Russell. So insistent was JT in his reassurances, I really began to wonder what was up between him and Russell. A pre-show "bromance" perhaps?

To cap it off, JT decides to write a letter to Russell to accompany the idol. About as heartfelt as any letter on "Survivor" could be, JT dictates that it should be read in complete privacy. At the same time, it was incredibly simplistic and I kept wondering how JT could ever pen something so delightfully strange! Parvati suggests that JT was giving away his heart, and in many ways he was, and for what? By the way, anyone else wondering where JT got pen and paper to fulfill his desire to include a letter with the idol?

If that isn't strange enough, you have Colby, who also buys into the plan, out on the raft telling Russell to make sure he talks with JT because he has "something" for him. He even tells Russell to vote off Parvati without any knowledge of who Russell might be aligned with. What if Russell's only ally was Parvati? Dumb, dumb move, Colby. Russell, for his part, plays the role well and accepts with gratitude. He hustles off the raft and makes a pretty good showing as if he truly is in fear of being voted off, but really he was probably just in a rush to pocket the idol!

Happy is as Happy Does
To top it off, it was a bit odd how incredibly pleased with themselves the Heroes were after the successful completion of passing over the idol! They really felt like they pulled off a major coup and JT can't stop patting himself on the back for his "history" making moment. In a way they did pull off a major coup but it was a coup of stupidity. The Heroes will indeed make history, but I doubt it's the history they were hoping for! I almost wish we could fast forward to the finale right now!

On the other side, Russell, Parvati and Danielle were laughing at the situation. They giggled at the letter. They laughed at JT's naivety. Suddenly, it seemed that Russell's prediction of JT handing him $1 million was close to realization. They were tickeled to death by the gesture and Parvati voiced what must have been on the minds of millions of "Survivor" viewers: How did that boy win his season?

Idol Will Dismantle Heroes!
I predict that the newly acquired idol is going to bite the Heroes in the butt next week after the merge. Personally, I feel like they deserve to lose after their "history making" stupidest move ever tonight. I hope they have several moments of open regret in the coming weeks!

Who will be the first to go? If they are smart, the Villains will get rid of JT first, who is physically more of a challenger than Colby or Rupert.

Second Dumbest Move
On a different note, I think the Villains were stupid to keep Sandra this week. She's got at least five more challenges before she will resurface on the radar. By then, the Villains alliance will likely be on shaky ground, and anyone could be first out. Sandra is smart and leaving her in the game could be Russell's undoing. Personally, I think Jerri needs to win some immunity challenges because I see her as being the odd person out in the alliance of four.

After two seasons in a row of watching, Russell decimate his team physically, the only conclusion I can draw is that it's part of his plan to go into the merge with a smaller group that really needs to stick together. Large teams have too many variables and it's too easy to exploit the weaknesses.

If the Heroes are smart (I know, big if!), they will try to woo Sandra who seems like she's trying to get Rupert to understand how misguided their "women's alliance" theory really is.

Truest Statement of the Game
Parvati found a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Instead of sharing with Russell, she shares with Danielle. The self-proclaimed "Queen" of "Survivor" declares that the "King" (Russell) does her bidding. When you think about it, that's exactly right. Every move Russell makes is run by the Queen. He could have kept the idol to himself (like Parvati), but instead he runs directly to her! He's like a little boy constantly seeking approval!

So as Russell and Colby are on the rafts, and Colby orders him to vote out Parvati, Russell replies: "She's running the whole show." She is indeed, Russell! She certainly is!

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