
Friday, April 30, 2010

Survivor 20: Let's Make a Deal!

Some weeks of "Survivor" are kind of a let down and episode 11 did just that, in my opinion. Sure, there was some drama and intrigue, but it kind of fell flat after the hugely climactic tribal council last week.

I was expecting fireworks after Parvati used two idols during the tribal council but it turned out to be more like a firecracker.

Loyalty vs. Betrayal
Instead, Russell was left licking the wounds of betrayal caused by Parvati keeping her Immunity Idol a secret from him. His feelings were hurt by the fact that the woman in whom he has confided EVERYTHING, failed to reveal her find to him. For the past several weeks, Russell has followed Parvati around like a puppy dog. Maybe he was in over his head where she was concerned.

Russell took time to digest the information that not only did she have the idol she found, but the one she accepted from him as well. Russell's grand gesture of sacrificing his idol for her fell flat when Parvati orchestrated the double-whammy!

Seducing the Enemy!
At this point, I have to believe that Russell felt that he was outwitted by Parvati because, well, he WAS outwitted by her. So, Russell retaliated by going to Candice and securing her as a possible fifth vote in the event that Sandra flipped. Russell does have a knack for figuring out who is approachable in terms of flipping.

Candice was the perfect target in so many ways. She's been an outsider among the Heroes since the beginning. She's quiet but perceptive. She is also confident in her athleticism and probably certain that she can win Immunity Challenges when necessary. The added fact that her former tribe would likely vote her out fourth contributed to her discontentment with them.

The only puzzling thing was that Russell went right back and told the others that he was trying to get Candice to flip. Why? To me, one of the greatest attributes to being a survivor is the ability to keep some elements of strategy a secret. Candice could have been his "ace in the hole."

How to Back a Teammate -- Colby Style

The Reward Challenge was one of luck as much as skill. The red team of Rupert, Russell and Sandra, lead for most of the way, but Colby managed to wrap it on the final play of the game.

So Colby, Amanda and Danielle went off to the reward. Amanda was on the lookout for the clue to the idol but Danielle happened to find it in the bowl of popcorn. Colby, watching "Treasure Island," sat oblivious to everything but the movie and even looked a bit perturbed that it was interrupted by a showdown between Amanda and Danielle.

To me, Colby showed exactly why he will never win the game of "Survivor." Danielle found the clue and dropped it on the floor. Amanda noticed her do it and went around the bed to check on it. She found the clue lying on the floor and picked it up. A furious Danielle followed her and tried to get it back. Eventually, Colby intervened by siding with Danielle. Why? Who knows. But it was a dumb move that capped off a series of dumb moves. The clue was not in anyone's possession when Amanda found it and should have been up for grabs.

It's My Idol and I'll Share If I Want To
Danielle returns to camp and shares the clue with Russell, Jerri and Parvati. Together they look for the idol by the stream. Russell finds it, sits on it, pockets it and decides to keep it a secret from Danielle and the others of his alliance. Instead, he shares his find with Candice who, in turn, shares the plans of the former Heroes tribe with Russell.

Now at this point, Rupert trusts Sandra completely. He knows that the Heroes had an opportunity to embrace the information she gave them prior to the last Tribal Council, and chose not too. His only hope of turning the game is to woo Sandra back again.

This time, Sandra talks to Colby, who is not entirely certain that she's not playing them. Still, the Heroes move forward with a tentative plan based on Sandra's information.

Candice is the perfect double-agent. She eventually shares the information that Sandra is sharing information. Russell, being well, fanatical about loyalty, confronts Sandra and lets her know that Candice has flipped so she's inconsequential to their plans. Sandra, of course, goes back to let the former Heroes know what's up.

Stupidly, the Heroes confront Candice who assures them she's on their side and they swallow it. Sandra tries in vain to convince Candice to vote for Parvati but for whatever reason, Candice is convinced that Amanda needs to go.

What Could Have Been
During the Immunity Challenge, Jerri edges Russell for the win. It's quite telling that the Heroes target Amanda or both Colby and Russell. Their goal is to get rid of the threats in the game. Obviously, neither Colby or Rupert are perceived as posing much of a threat, either physical or mental.

During Tribal Council, Russell plays the idol he found for himself without realizing that the Heroes are targeting Parvati. So close. If Candice would have remained with the Heroes and Sandra would have felt safe, it could have been a season-changing vote! Instead, Amanda left in a vote of 6-3.

Parvati looked none too thrilled realizing that this week Russell had played strictly for himself. Should be interesting next week as it looks like anger and distrust are getting the best of the Villains' alliance.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Not So Secret, Dirty Little Secrets of BB9!

"Big Brother 9" was by far, my least favorite season. Maybe because it aired at a different point in the year as CBS's solution to the writers' strike. Maybe because of the forced couples alliance. Or maybe because it came on the heals of my favorite season, "Big Brother 8." Whatever the reason, I had a hard time really getting in to it.

The Couples
Alex and Amanda were paired together. Real life couple Ryan and Jen were paired with other people (Allison and Parker) while real life ex-couple Sharon and Jacob were paired together. There was a gay couple, Joshuah and Neil, and just plain couples Matt and Natalie, and James and Chelsia. Last but not least, Adam was coupled with Sheila, making them the oldest couple in the house, much to Adam's chagrin.

Almost from the start, it became apparent that the casting department had gone out of their way to find some true misfits. Sure, there were some every year, but this year stole the show.
The Stories Behind the Stories
James was billed as a young man bicycling around the world but soon the internet discovered his "dirty little secret." James, while paired with Chelsia and calling himself straight, had indulged in a variety of gay porn movies pre-BB. Soon his images were posted on various sites alongside his nude images from the show. He also sported a variety of tattoos, including one of a priest which was likely a slap in the face to many Catholics.

Adam was a teacher of autistic children who called them "retards" while in the house. He spoke of drug use and disclosed the basis for his nickname, "Baller." Any sane parent would have wondered what was happening to the educational system in America if Baller was any indication of the type of teachers we have.

Matt was the typical chauvinist. Natty regularly "serviced" Matt who welcomed her advances at night but pushed her away during the day. The mixed signals lead to a colossal blowout between the two of them witnessed by the entire house, along with the live feed viewers.

Natty, on the other hand, was not averse to removing her clothing and preaching Christ at the same time. Well, possibly not at the same time but really close. An interesting mix, she, Matt, Sheila and Baller became known as "Team Christ." In addition to making Matt happy at night, Natalie's other talent was the ability to "squirt milk" from her breasts.

Jen and Ryan had agreed to keep their relationship a secret while in the house but that turned out to be easier said than done. Their one claim to fame was a bathroom tryst that lead to the shortest recorded sexual excapade in the history of the show.

Allison and Sheila decided it would be great strategy to tell people they were lesbian lovers who knew each other outside the house. Yep. That'll do it! Best strategy in the world! Sarcasm. When they came out of the closet that they were lying, no one believed them.

Jacob made an early exit when the house decided he was stirring the pot. Haha, it's BB folks, everyone stirred the pot. He could quite possibly have been one of the "normal" ones that season.

Parker, without a partner after Jen and Ryan came out of the closet, moved on to Amanda who had accused Alex of attempted rape after an evening together in the HOH. Alex, for his part, was frustrated feeling that BB had purposely teamed him with a virgin to ensure that he would not get "any."

Gay couple Neil and Joshuah lasted only a short time as Neil mysteriously disappeared from the show. There were some interesting rumors including a family emergency but if that had been true, Julie Chen would likely have explained it on one of the shows. Joshuah went on to unleash one of the vilest, most repugnant rants against Amanda. Reminiscent of Evel Dick (BB8), Josh acknowledged that he wanted to the the "gay Evel Dick."

There was a lot of sex and a lot of nudity but nothing really struck the "Big Brother" chord that made it a great season and it was a relief when it ended. Maybe the couples theme set the tone for the entire season, and all the players got distracted from real game play in their quest to hook-up. Who knows? It just lacked something in my book.

How to Start a Drug Ring -- Baller Style
Baller took home the grand prize after promising to give some to an autism charity. Baller did have big plans for the money but autism was far from his mind. He went back to Florida and started a drug ring with his winnings. In October 2009, 18 months after winning, Baller was arrested in Massachusetts with 2,000 Oxcodone pills in his possession and intent to distribute on his mind. Adam entered a treatment facility. After completing the program, he was allowed out on bail but remains under house arrest waiting for trial.

Three Strikes in a Week!
Matt seemed to be doing okay. About a year ago, he posted pics with his girlfriend and seemed genuinely in love. The two shared a Facebook for awhile. In early April, Matt and his girlfriend announced their engagement and pregnancy. The BB world of internet fans emitted a nearly audible "awwwww" at the announcement.

Then last week, everything unraveled for Matt. First came news that he was arrested for beating his seven-week pregnant girlfriend. Then came news he was re-arrested for intimidating her. Finally, on Monday, he was arrested a third time eight days, for his role in Adam's drug ring. Hardly a stellar citizen.

James, too, struggled a bit publicly. Once out of the house, the psuedo-celebrity that greets the past house guests can be bit overwhelming and James found himself quickly swept up in the entire scene. James posted regular videos on youtube chronicling his dangerously self-destructive behavior. He traveled to Europe with his girlfriend and continued to post his regular bouts with problematic behavior while asking fans to send donations in support of his lifestyle.

And So On...
Eventually, James started a bicycle trip to Africa hoping for the financial support of fans who were wearied by his constant requests for gifts and donations. His trip ended shortly after he left a pirate ship, as he came to the realization that it just would not work out. He traveled home to Florida and is working. Hopefully, he will get his life on track.

Natalie followed her own not too surprising path. Apparently unable to get "Playboy" or "Penthouse" backing, she started her own nude photo website. Whether it's the photographer's lack of creativity or Natalie's inability to convey real emotion, the few photos I've seen are mundane, run of the mill and hardly worth sacrificing whatever remains of her dignity.

Jen and Ryan lasted only a few months after the show. Ryan went to Boston to visit Matt and had an affair. Jen quite publicly ended it and flew to California to be with Alex. The two appeared in some rather intimate photos giving everyone the idea they were in a relationship. Within two months, Jen was on the move to Arizona to live with her new love (not Alex). After appearing on BB, having sexing in the bathroom as the cameras rolled (sound but no pics), publicly berating her boyfriend for an affair, flying to the arms of a fellow BB player, and moving to another state to be with a new boyfriend that she had only known two months, Jen was disappointed to find out that it was difficult to get another teaching job. She blamed BB but in reality, she only had herself to blame.

BB9 Success Stories
And so it goes. Sure, Alex has continued his successful DJ company and has finished his masters degree in education. Amanda has apparently found happiness in Minnesota and is five months pregnant with a little girl. Chelsia is working for Real Player in Seattle. Sheila has ran a marathon and appeared a few times on TV. Parker is quite successful pursuing a career in commercials. Jacob, Sharon, Joshuah and Allison have all but disappeared, which might be a blessing in disguise.

So, was it the season? Or was it the casting? Did they consciously try to find people that were living on the edge? Or was it all luck, very bad luck that one season included two future felons? Who knows? But personally, I think they need to pay closer attention to the psych evals!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Team to Beat!

When the cowboys are on point, they are tough to beat! They played flawlessly and are by far the fittest, mentally and physically, to go all the way.

On a side note, I was surprised to notice "brothers" as their descriptor under their names. How the heck did I miss that all these weeks? Maybe I did not make the mental connection because, to me, they don't look a lot alike. I mean, there's no question Dan and Jordan are brothers but Jet and Cord? Not so much.

Wits vs. Twists
Anyhow, Jet and Cord are brothers who get along well and push each other to greater heights. Sure they have made a few mistakes but still, they have finished in first place four times.

We learn a little more about the brothers during this episode. Jet shares that he's homesick and missing his wife and 17-month-old daughter. Cord shares that he got engaged just before the race. They both seem like pretty nice guys and it would be great to see a pair win who have relied on their wits rather than game twists to get to the end.

The other teams have some issues to overcome if they are to be the first to step on the mat during the finale.

Brent and Caite are focusing more on the race than on petty issues, but still have bouts with poutiness. When the wind blew and sent Brent's puzzle pieces rolling across the field, he blew up and stomped back to Caite, who tried to offer moral support but he was not in the mood to accept it. Cord was having the same trouble and used hat, jacket and whatever he could find, including his body, to secure the puzzle. It's all in the approach, and so far, they have not placed first.

As a side note: I'm puzzled by Brent's designation as a model. ...

Dan and Jordan could make it all the way, but Jordan needs to learn to control his emotions better. Whenever the task is a bit difficult, he melts down and that takes precious time. Their only first place finish was after using the fast forward.

Finally, there's Mike and Louie, who I picked pre-race to do well. Their biggest concern is that physically, they can't compete and in a foot race with the other teams they will come in last. They did manage two first place finishes while in France but maybe fatigue is setting in because lately they have struggled.

Potentially Bad Choice
In the airport, we get Brent and Caite's first-hand account of the Brandy and Carol U-turn. It's obvious that they enjoy retelling their moment of glory. But I have to agree with Jordan and Dan, it was a stupid move, totally personal. Their best bet would have been to U-turn the Cowboys, who are a stronger team. Personally, I'm glad they did not use the U-turn on the Cowboys, but it was a better move.

RIP Pingping
The first Roadblock lead to some of my favorite moments of the episode with the introduction of Pingping, the world's smallest man. His presence provided a great distraction for the players who were making noodles. This also was one of my favorite tasks so far because it most certainly was Shanghai-specific.

Jet showed great skill and finished quickly. Caite was considerably distracted by Pingping, along with her dislike for cooking in general. Brent also demonstrated once again his lack of patience as he sat on the sidelines. Louie confessed that, as a child, he once helped his grandmother make homemade pasta and he too did well. Jordan, on the other hand, suffered a meltdown and was comforted by Dan, who has shown some real compassion toward Jordan on this race.

A few of the teams made jokes about Pingping which in retrospect seemed unfortunate. I was saddened to see that the episode was dedicated to his memory. According to news reports, Pingping died in March due to heart complications. He was 21-years-old.
Are They Gray or Black?
The fashion challenge was interesting and geared toward Brent and Caite in so many ways. I thought Michael and Louie, and the Cowboys would do the worst but surprisingly, the Cowboys finished with only one change of the model's shirt. Michael's reaction was a bit funny as he asked for a shooting challenge or chasing a crackhead. Still, they did okay too.

The best part of the challenge occurred when Dan and Jordan, and Michael and Louie, discovered that their models were wearing the stockings needed by the other team to complete their task. Both teams were apparently "sight challenged" to determine whether the stockings in the picture were black or gray.

Which Way Will the Wind Blow?
All the teams eventually ended up in an open air football stadium working on a puzzle with 90-plus pieces. This first-time ever, second Roadblock, forced the team member who sat out during the first Roadblock to compete in this round.

Wind played a role, as mentioned earlier, but keeping their wits about them was important as well. The wind tossed both Cord and Brent's puzzles around the field, but Cord dealt with the problem and continued building his puzzle and, as a result, he and Jet went on to finish first for the fourth time in the game.

Brent was actually working at a surprising pace on his puzzle, and may have finished before Cord had it not been for the wind, but Brent actually expended time and energy cursing the wind for blowing his pieces around the field. Deal with it, dude!

Dan also kept a steady pace but Michael, for some reason, lost focus and struggled into the evening hours with his puzzle. The pair finished in last place but fortunately for them, it was a non-elimination leg. It will be interesting to find out whether they manage to become the third team this season to overcome the Speed Bump.

Next week, looks interesting as the previews show a rather huge meltdown by Team Dan and Jordan. The meltdown this time, however, seems to be on the part of Dan. But the previews can be deceiving, and it's possible that Dan and Jordan could come in first place despite the meltdown.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parvati Makes Move for Greatest Survivor Honors!

I have a nominee for "Greatest Survivor Ever" and it's not Russell.

Parvati owned tonights episode! What's really strange to me is that I have never liked Parvati, and still don't but I respect her game play. Something that Russell probably does not.

What Not To Do!
Russell's first mistake is "implicitly" trusting his alliance of three women. Well, maybe not his first mistake, but his biggest mistake so far. He shares everything! Diarrhea of the mouth! Russell loves to hear himself talk and he's making a fool of himself. He goes to the group that he perceives on the same level as his harem and tells him his strategy, plans, future goals.

To his credit, Russell knows that he needs to invent a story to explain Parvati's presence in the game. Fortunately for him, JT is playing the game for everyone and comes up with his own reasoning. Obviously, if Parvati is still in the game, she must have used an idol too. Gotta hand it to JT. He's so changed his image from his first go-round, that he now seems to the stupidest winner in the history of the game.

Russell's second mistake is underestimating the game play of the women. In both his seasons, Russell has gotten rid of the people that he perceived as being against him and decimated his tribe in the process. Last season, he kept Jayson who was smart but not a threat to Russell because he ultimately kept most of his opinions to himself. Russell's mistake was keeping Natalie in the game. She too, played hard and made a game changing move in the process. He underestimated her, and he's doing the same thing this season.

Parvati the Player
Parvati is no virgin to the game of "Survivor." In fact, she knows exactly what she's doing. Parvati could give lessons on how to play a man, and she's playing Russell for all he's worth. She bats her eyes at Russell, and he falls for her like school boy. In her past two experiences, she learned exactly how far she could go with her charm — all the way to the end!

She's also massaged Russell's ego by allowing him to think he's in charge of the game. Parvati wanted to keep Courtney over Sandra, but did not press too hard because Russell wanted Courtney out. Why? Probably because she insulted him but in the end, but Sandra is a more dangerous player.

Strategy Makes Their Heads Hurt
The Heroes are at least trying to play the game but when Amanda said her head hurt from the strategy talk, that's exactly the impression I get from Colby when I see him in a challenge or at Tribal Council. Colby seems genuinely puzzled by this new game of "Survivor" that relies heavily on strategy and less on physical prowess.

Sandra hands the keys of the game to Rupert. He goes to his tribe and informs them that all is not what it seems but he's up against the ego of JT, who can't admit that he is wrong. Rupert brings up a great point about Russell's obvious attempts to win them over. Following the merge, Russell swears on the lives of his children. Who does that? Only someone who is so anxious to drive his point home would be that over-the-top.

Rupert suggests not voting out Parvati but voting out someone else in an attempt to get them to show their cards. It's a good strategy, but why not go for Russell instead?

What Were They Thinking?
The Immunity Challenge favored the women but I did not understand the logic of so many. Colby bowed out simultaneously with Sandra. Even Rupert, with a broken toe, outlasted Colby. What!?!

Also in the "Makes No Sense" category, was Candice bowing out during the final three. The only possible explanation was that she wanted to find out what Parvati would do. Still, Jeff even took a moment to point out how illogical her decision was. Her explanation was lame: they looked like they could stay awhile. Again, what!?!

When Parvati slid down the pole it was obvious that she was feeling safer than she should have, and the Heroes picked up on that fact. Even JT was wondering what was going on by this point but remember, he "explicitly" trusted Russell.

Worst Liar of the Game!
Amanda. She's had the most interesting game of the Heroes so far. Befriending Parvati was a stroke of genius but she should have stopped when she was ahead. By telling her that she was on her side, Amanda got Parvati to spill the information about her idol — something she had not even told Russell!

When she lied to Parvati that she was still a potential candidate for their votes, Parvati saw right through it. Amanda is simply one of the worst liars to date.

Amanda's best choice would have been to go back to her tribe and convince them to go after Parvati again. She had to have sensed that Parvati was not that worried after they talked. Amanda must known how bad the lie came off but the Heroes proved that once their minds are set, they are set in stone.

What's a Girl To Do With Two Idols?
Russell was still feeling in control of everything. He was so sure that Parvati was in danger that he passed her the idol for the second time in the game. Parvati, on the other hand, was already aware that she was no longer a target but accepted the idol anyway. Now with two idols in her possession, the possibilities were limitless.

The Tribal Council was epic — far better than Russell saving Parvati in a last minute gesture a few weeks ago. Parvati arrived with both idols in her bag and passed one off to Sandra and the second to Jerri. The best game move ever! In one moment, she trumped Russell's previous moves.

Parvati showed that she was willing to go out on a limb to not only save a close ally in Jerri, but someone who would most definitely flip if she had to, Sandra! You could literally see the Heroes team deflate! You could almost sense that the Heroes threw in the towel.

The Heroes have no one to blame but themselves. They heard Sandra's information and chose to do virtually nothing about it. Why didn't they invite her to join them and act as a mole during the initial Tribal Council after the merge?

Parvati's move came at an opportune time. The two tribes have merged, two members of the jury who witnessed Russell's previous Tribal Council coup are just feet away, and Parvati makes a huge game changing play. Those jury members and potential jurors will remember this night when it's time to cast their votes. If Jerri and Sandra are part of the jury, they will remember that Parvati saved them.

Russell needs to be asking himself why everyone from the start of the game has been worried about Parvati. Why has everyone been wanting her out? She's a player Russell. A better player than you!

Next week looks like another great episode! Can't wait and maybe there will be a second female nomination for "Greatest Survivor Ever!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

History Making Stupidest Move Ever!

Who would've guessed that the single stupidest move in "Survivor" history would occur during a season of veterans?

The Heroes' male members determined that the Villains' camp was being run by the women. So sure of it, Rupert took it upon himself not once, but twice, to mention it in hearing distance of the Villains! As a result, JT hatched a plan that will most certainly be the beginning of the end for the Heroes tribe. JT's plan involved secretly giving Russell the Hidden Immunity Idol if the Villains lost the Immunity Challenge.

First, how stupid!

What the Heck was in the Water?
Second, did I mention, how stupid? Did the Heroes feel themselves clairvoyant at that point? Did they really believe they were "all knowing" as to what was happening on the Villains side?

Apparently! I guess winners, and near winners of the show are blessed with some super secret inner knowledge of what the other team is thinking and doing. Or, at least they think they are!

Colby, Rupert and JT were completely set on the idea of the women's alliance wiping out the men. Only Amanda questioned it, but she and Candice were anxious to get the idol out of the hands of JT, and into the hands of someone — anyone — else! Ever since Russell and Coach showed up as the last two remaining males, JT has been casting reassuring words, glances, nods and whatever else he could toward Russell. So insistent was JT in his reassurances, I really began to wonder what was up between him and Russell. A pre-show "bromance" perhaps?

To cap it off, JT decides to write a letter to Russell to accompany the idol. About as heartfelt as any letter on "Survivor" could be, JT dictates that it should be read in complete privacy. At the same time, it was incredibly simplistic and I kept wondering how JT could ever pen something so delightfully strange! Parvati suggests that JT was giving away his heart, and in many ways he was, and for what? By the way, anyone else wondering where JT got pen and paper to fulfill his desire to include a letter with the idol?

If that isn't strange enough, you have Colby, who also buys into the plan, out on the raft telling Russell to make sure he talks with JT because he has "something" for him. He even tells Russell to vote off Parvati without any knowledge of who Russell might be aligned with. What if Russell's only ally was Parvati? Dumb, dumb move, Colby. Russell, for his part, plays the role well and accepts with gratitude. He hustles off the raft and makes a pretty good showing as if he truly is in fear of being voted off, but really he was probably just in a rush to pocket the idol!

Happy is as Happy Does
To top it off, it was a bit odd how incredibly pleased with themselves the Heroes were after the successful completion of passing over the idol! They really felt like they pulled off a major coup and JT can't stop patting himself on the back for his "history" making moment. In a way they did pull off a major coup but it was a coup of stupidity. The Heroes will indeed make history, but I doubt it's the history they were hoping for! I almost wish we could fast forward to the finale right now!

On the other side, Russell, Parvati and Danielle were laughing at the situation. They giggled at the letter. They laughed at JT's naivety. Suddenly, it seemed that Russell's prediction of JT handing him $1 million was close to realization. They were tickeled to death by the gesture and Parvati voiced what must have been on the minds of millions of "Survivor" viewers: How did that boy win his season?

Idol Will Dismantle Heroes!
I predict that the newly acquired idol is going to bite the Heroes in the butt next week after the merge. Personally, I feel like they deserve to lose after their "history making" stupidest move ever tonight. I hope they have several moments of open regret in the coming weeks!

Who will be the first to go? If they are smart, the Villains will get rid of JT first, who is physically more of a challenger than Colby or Rupert.

Second Dumbest Move
On a different note, I think the Villains were stupid to keep Sandra this week. She's got at least five more challenges before she will resurface on the radar. By then, the Villains alliance will likely be on shaky ground, and anyone could be first out. Sandra is smart and leaving her in the game could be Russell's undoing. Personally, I think Jerri needs to win some immunity challenges because I see her as being the odd person out in the alliance of four.

After two seasons in a row of watching, Russell decimate his team physically, the only conclusion I can draw is that it's part of his plan to go into the merge with a smaller group that really needs to stick together. Large teams have too many variables and it's too easy to exploit the weaknesses.

If the Heroes are smart (I know, big if!), they will try to woo Sandra who seems like she's trying to get Rupert to understand how misguided their "women's alliance" theory really is.

Truest Statement of the Game
Parvati found a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Instead of sharing with Russell, she shares with Danielle. The self-proclaimed "Queen" of "Survivor" declares that the "King" (Russell) does her bidding. When you think about it, that's exactly right. Every move Russell makes is run by the Queen. He could have kept the idol to himself (like Parvati), but instead he runs directly to her! He's like a little boy constantly seeking approval!

So as Russell and Colby are on the rafts, and Colby orders him to vote out Parvati, Russell replies: "She's running the whole show." She is indeed, Russell! She certainly is!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Goodbye Bitches!

For the record, I was not sorry to see Brandy and Carol go. I was even a bit excited that Brent and Caite chose to U-Turn them. At the same time, I would like to add that I'm no fan of the dating models either.

On the other hand, it would probably have been more advantageous to U-Turn the Cowboys or the Detectives. Brandy and Carol never really challenged for the top spot. Pure and simple, Brent and Caite made a simply personal move; albeit, an understandably personal move!

The fact is, Brandy and Carol were rude, inconsiderate and whiney. These two had the diva act down cold and I can't blame the other teams for disliking them. It had nothing to do with orientation (despite the fact that Caite usually referred to them as the lesbians), and everything to do with how condescending they were to the rest of the field.

Like it or not, "The Amazing Race" is a game of personalities, and Brandy and Carol rubbed people the wrong way. So, I'm glad they are gone and wish they had gone sooner.

In a perfect world, Brent and Caite will go next. These two show little maturity and a general lack of awareness. Minus the irritating imitation of their accents, Carol and Brandy's assessment was not too far off base. The two have stumbled their way through this taking potshots at each other and other teams as they went. This leg was the first one that they ran cleanly start to finish, so maybe they have learned something.

Fast Forward Reaps Big Rewards!
This leg also featured a Fast Forward, which incidentally, seems a little out of place among Detours and Road Blocks. Maybe it should be renamed, "Bypass." At any rate, Dan and Jordan decide to go for it, beating out Michael and Louie. They arrive at the Singapore Flyer to discover that the task includes climbing out of one capsule and crossing the track to another capsule. Piece of cake! Unless of course, you are doing it at a height of 541 feet!

At about the same time they discover what the task is, Jordan also discovers a near crippling fear of heights. Wisely, Dan sends Jordan out first. If Dan had went first, Jordan may have remained behind too paralyzed to move. I like the support that Dan has given his brother beginning with being his teammate to help Jordan fulfill his dream of being on TAR, and throughout the race.

As they finished up the Fast Forward and headed to the Pit Stop, I wondered what would have happened if someone had chosen to U-Turn Dan and Jordan. Would they have had to complete the Detours?

I've Got Rhythm ... Or Maybe Not!
The remaining teams were faced with a Detour that featured either replicating a complicated drum routine or making ice cream sandwiches with real bread. The vast majority of the teams chose the drum routine and showed a stunning lack of rhythm. Jet put it best when he said that the closest thing to a musical instrument they play is the radio!

The cowboys tried performing the routine first but failed. Their patience has been strong throughout but for the first time Cord seemed a little impatient with his partner who really wanted to count out the pattern as he drummed.

Tag! You're It!
Brent and Caite finished first and headed toward what they hoped was the site of the U-Turn. The two had single-minded focus to U-Turn Brandy and Carol, who were still back at the drum recital. They solved a riddle (surprised? yeah, me too) and arrived to U-Turn the women. This time the team who U-Turned had to reveal their identity, so a little picture of the two of them was placed on the post. I think it's better to reveal the identity because the entire focus of the U-Turned team shifts to the team who betrayed them.

Brandy and Carol finished the drum routine and soon discovered they had been U-Turned. Angry, upset and out-of-sorts, or, in other words their usual race personas, the two set off for the ice-cream sandwich making. Brandy and Carol raised their level of criticism of Brent and Caite to a new level revealing, in the meantime, an incredibly high opinion of themselves! Carol suggested the reason they were detoured was because Brandy was prettier than Caite. Okaaaay!

How to Count to 500
The Road Block was not the most difficult. The teams just had to count the links on an anchor chain. I doubt too many people in Singapore actually entertain themselves with this sort of thing, but it was a task nonetheless. Brent did the actual counting for their team and had trouble focusing with the noise level. Michael used a handheld counter, and Jet simply just kept track. Once again, Michael and Louie failed to read the clue correctly and missed a key element!

Cut to Brandy and Carol, in the back of a taxi, still bitching about Brent and Caite. This time, their impersonation reminded me somewhat of Forrest Gump. I really wonder what Carol and Brandy will think of their portrayal. Not the most flattering!

The end was a bit of a nail-biter if you were rooting for Michael and Louie. Their cab driver left them at the Road Block and they attempted unsuccessfully to hire Brandy and Carol's cab. Ultimately, they finished just ahead of Brandy and Carol.

By my calculations, this season of TAR should be wrapping up fairly soon, and to tell you the truth, I'm ready for it. This season has seemed a bit dumbed down compared to the past several season. Maybe they are finally running out of challenging tasks!

Friday, April 9, 2010

How to Slay a Dragon Slayer!

If you can say one thing about this season of "Survivor," it's that it's predictably unpredictable!

Hard to know where to even start! So I will leap in with Russell.

The ego on this man is huge — bigger than any ego I've seen on "Survivor" and that's saying something. He spends so much time touting his own accomplishments that he virtually ignores the obvious. In this case, the obvious is Sandra, who is smarter than he gives her credit. Of course, Russell's ego prevents him from seeing that anyone else is capable of scheming and playing the game of "Survivor."

If Sandra pulls off what appears to be a coup, she might very well be the greatest survivor in the history of the show. Russell managed to fall for the oldest ploy in "Survivor" history — the lie! Sandra preys on Russell's most glaring insecurity when she tells him that Coach is out to get him. It's like dangling a fresh piece of meat in front of a hungry lion. Russell pounces on that bit of information with single-minded focus. He must eliminate Coach before Coach eliminates him!

Now to me, it would have been just as advantageous for Sandra to hook up with Coach/Jerri and vote out Russell. But my feeling is that Sandra wants Russell at the end of the game to offer comparison/contrasts to her own game. Whether he realizes it or not, Russell's biggest mistake of the game might very well be allowing Sandra to remain in the game.

What's JT's Word Worth?
The Heroes, on the other hand, seem to have jelled, at least on the surface. But then there's good old JT whose word this time around is about as good as Russell's. Last week, JT declared that the search for the idol should not come between them and they should hunt for the idol as a group.

So much for JT's word as he goes off on his own, finds the idol and is discovered by Amanda as he attempts to conceal his find. JT is duplicitous at best and a down right pathological liar at worst. He decides to come clean with the idol, but thanks to Candice, JT's character is seriously in jeopardy of being disclosed.

Then you have the Heroes, who, as a team, determine there's an all girl alliance among the Villains. Rupert voices it and JT promptly offers whispered support to Russell. (Another pre-show alliance for JT?) I suppose the fact that three of the five men were voted out would suggest that fact but still, Rupert was premature in stating it out loud. Kind of set the stage for Coach's exit in many ways.

Drop Your Expectations!
Thankfully, the Villains are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Assuming merge, the team packed up their entire camp, dismantling their only successful shelter to date, and arrived at a Reward Challenge. It's a numbers game and the jury has never started prior to 10 people which was, at that point still two people away. A little premature and a lot foolish!

The challenge was the old bowling game which on "Survivor" is simply a game of chance. Coach wanted a win without a thought toward what happens in the Immunity Challenge. He turned to Sandra and Courtney and questioned them whether they want to play. Sandra leaves it up to the group, and Coach sat them out.

Russell scores the only point for the Villains, while Coach is defeated by Amanda. Heroes win again, and suddenly it seems like Stephenie was not the bad luck member of the group, but James. File this under the category that makes me go hmmmmmmm.

Bad Decision?
While the Heroes dine on pizza, the Villains go back to their camp and the sniping begins. Jerri targets Courtney and Sandra for not stepping up to the challenge. She's started to look ahead to the Immunity Challenge and knows there's no reason to celebrate a potential victory.

Jerri seems to be reflecting a little — make that a lot — on her decision to vote out Rob. It's starting to become obvious that Russell will do anything to advance himself in the game, including weakening his own team. Too little too late on Jerri's part.

The Immunity Challenge is down and dirty and once again the Heroes come out on top. Courtney is the weakest player, and Sandra is not too far behind physically. To top it off, Courtney is injured and still, Russell decides to send Coach packing. Why? Because he heard that Coach was out to get him.

More Questions Than Answers...
So this episode raised some interesting questions for me:

Who is Courtney? I don't remember her from her earlier season and can't for the life of me figure out why she's a Villain. Up until this past week, Courtney barely uttered a single word, and her only distinction this week was a few whiney confessionals and addressing Jeff as Jeffrey.

Why is Sandra a Villain? Sandra and I are equally confused by her designation!

Just how much did JT rely on Stephen for strategy during their season? My guess is, a lot. JT is all over the board and is making promises to whomever comes along. If next week's teaser is any indication, JT has completely lost it! Slow down and think!

At the finale, what will Jerri say to Rob about voting him out?

Why is Coach more likable this season than during his first season? Come on, you know you've thought about it. Coach is much less annoying than his first season, yet he's the same guy spewing the same "Dragon Slayer" crap. Maybe it's the fact that Russell makes Coach seem like the voice of reason?

When will Danielle realize she's the expendable part of the three-way alliance?

What will Sandra do next to stay in the game?

Why does Russell feel that he is a "Survivor" god? Seems to me that winning the second half of the game against players like Rob would mean more than eliminating him when his team still needs him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cowboys Set a New Race Record!

Worst to first, Speed Bump included, the Cowboys are definitely contenders!

The two ran a great leg with a Speed Bump that involved sniffing a variety of teas to determine which one contained a blend of spices. Thanks in part to an airport equalizer, the cowboys overcame the odds and stepped on the mat in first place.

Now, interestingly enough, the Cowboys did make one mistake — letting their taxi go while obtaining their first clue at the Snake Temple. While eventually finding someone to call for a taxi, it did put the pair several minutes behind the rest. Fortunately for them, they chose the right task at the Detour.

First to Worst!
Steve and Allie, on the other hand, somehow managed to go from first to worst. I still don't know what happened to this team that had seemed stronger in recent weeks. Was it the loss of their backpacks that caused a lack of focus? Poor decision making? Random bad luck? Or maybe a combination of everything.

Whatever the reason, the two which seemed to be in a great position suddenly found themselves falling further and further behind.

Lesser of Two Evils
The Detour seemed to set the tone for the entire race. Only the Cowboys chose and successfully completed balancing a large flag pole on their foreheads while crossing a field. Sounds complicated, but between the two tasks, it turned out to be the lesser of two evils. Because of this, the two jumped into first place and found themselves heading toward the Road Block where their Speed Bump waited.

The other task, chosen by the remaining five teams, was to carry 12 extremely large incense sticks up 150 steps of a temple, place them in a burner and ignite them. Carol and Brandy arrived first, and got the complaining underway. Within a short time, Brent and Caite were there, ready to begin their task as well which seemed to be taking cheap shots at Brandy and Carol.

Side note: At the beginning of this leg, Detectives Michael and Louie were shown talking to Brent and Caite. Both teams have an obvious dislike for Carol and Brandy. (Understandable to me because of their negativity but Brent and Caite are in the running for the Most Negative Team Ever title too!) The Detectives pronounce Brent and Caite "good kids" and ones that you would be proud to call your own. (I would beg to differ!) Near the end of the discussion, they extract a promise from the models to U-Turn the dating couple if they had a chance.

Bad Advice = Bad Decision Making
Back to the race. Steve and Allie, Louie and Michael, and Dan and Jordan all got stuck in a traffic jam which put them behind the other teams. Based on info from their taxi drivers, Steve and Allie, and Dan and Jordan abandoned their cabs and took off on what they believed to be a four to five minute run to … wait for it … the wrong temple!

Michael and Louie who made a good decision to stay in the taxi, arrived to carry the incense sticks up the stairs. Louie is incredibly out of shape and his coughing, huffing and puffing had me worried that we might witness the first team to leave the race because of a heart attack. No kidding! He sounds terrible.

The task was grueling in the hot sun. Snide remarks by Brent and Caite made me hope they would be eliminated this round, but no such luck!

Steve and Allie, and Dan and Jordan, found running up the hill difficult in the heat but Steve and Allie had the forethought to ask their taxi driver to meet them at the top. When the cab arrived, they jumped in and soon discovered their driver had no idea where the temple was, so they switched tasks to the flag balancing.

Confronted by the large flags and poles, they soon abandoned it in favor of the incense burning. See what I mean? Lack of focus, little mistakes, random bad luck, and poor decisions, all factored into their last place finish!

Good Luck at the Road Block
The Road Block was interesting as one team member had to break coconuts to find one with a brightly colored inside. Then, they had to make a traditional Hindu offering that would be set afloat.

Jet, or the quiet one as he's known at my house, took on the task and made quick work of it by smashing the coconuts on a concrete slab until he found the right one. After his float offering was accepted, the two took off for the Pit Stop, and easily won the race. I kept waiting for Phil to say that they missed some part of the task but instead they were rewarded with a romantic getaway. ;-)

Brent and Caite also suffered their share of bad luck with taxis when their driver could not find the site of the Road Block. This gave an advantage to Carol and Brandy who arrived, finished the task, and went on to claim second place.

Luck was with Michael and Louie who completed the Detour, and found the right coconut on their second attempt to quickly finish the Road Block, putting them on the mat in third place. Brent and Caite finished fourth, while Dan and Jordan took the final spot prior to elimination.

I was not happy seeing Steve and Allie go. Were they the most exciting team? No, but this season is a little blah in the exciting team field anyway. They were solid and positive but it was the little things. Bye dad and daughter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Goodbye Boston Rob!

So Russell did it. He got rid of Boston Rob but not without the help of a couple of players who should have known better.

Russell has been courting Coach for a few weeks now, and Coach has been responding like a teenage girl in love. He loves to be appreciated for his "integrity." So, no surprise when Russell pressed Coach for a vote against Rob. To his credit, he tried to talk Russell and company out of the vote, but it was a weak argument — even for Coach.

There Must Be Something in the Water!
But Jerri! What was she thinking? Obviously impressed by Russell's "devotion" to Parvati, she took the first opportunity to jump from Rob's alliance to Russell's alliance. But the difference in Russell's devotion to Parvati and his clumsy alliance making attempts with Jerri, is that Russell is indeed, smitten with Parvati and has shown he will do what he needs to keep her in the game.

Russell's biggest asset is that no one really saw him play his entire season. They probably learned how far he got in the game and maybe saw some of the footage, but all the episodes? Definitely not. They had not aired prior to the shooting of Heroes vs. Villains. The editing was probably still underway just days prior to their airing last fall. So, a move like he made last week came out of the blue and stunned his teammates.

The Villains began splintering as a team with the unceremonious departure of Tyson. Russell let his arrogance show a bit more as he, Parvati and Danielle celebrated their victory. Rob bristled at their openness knowing that his own alliance might be fragmenting. The two men postured as if they were in the ultimate wrestling match for the title of alpha male.

Boston Rob Offers Insight
Rob knows the game and understands it as well as anyone out there. During the All Stars season, Rob made a name for himself playing a down and dirty game. This season saw the entrance of a more mellow, somewhat less fit Boston Rob. He was going to be the diplomat rather than the dictator. But his confessionals have been incredible.

This is Rob's last attempt at "Survivor". You can feel it, and it's for the best. I think Rob knows it and wants to pass on some of the knowledge he gained. His confessionals have been incredible for those who might be considering "Survivor" in the future.

During this episode, Rob advised people to get to know their fellow contestants and find out what they hold dear as a way to gain their confidence. In this case, the person in question was Coach, and he values loyalty above all else. Boston Rob understood this, and so did Russell. Unfortunately for Rob, Russell got the jump on exploiting Coach's fatal flaw.

For some reason, Rob is sounding a bit like the grandpa of the tribe. The voice of reason, if you will. Rob was the person who took it upon himself to make a fire without the assistance of flint. He saw the need to get better shelter. He's tried to bring the tribe together. He also recognized the threat that Russell was long before any of the other tribe members.

Russell, on the other hand, is coming across as the precocious teenager who refuses to listen and flouts authority at every turn. I'm not sure why Russell feels that sowing discontent in a tribe is the best way to gain the title of sole survivor but it's the path he's chosen, not just once but twice.

How to Win the Game, Russell Style!
This week Russell suggested sending home Courtney or Sandra. (BTW, I nearly forgot about Courtney until I saw her in the immunity challenge.) Okay, I can agree with either of those choices, but they are sitting just a few feet away and listening to Russell's entire conversation. Rob thought Russell's strategy of talking about the person he wanted to vote out in front of them was ridiculous. But Russell does not care because, in his mind, his game play is so superior he can't help but win.

Russell's arrogance is his biggest detriment. He expects people to bow at his feet and say, "Great job! Well played!" But in the end, this jury will likely be as bitter as the first he faced. If he makes it to the end, he will likely be sitting with tears in his eyes at the finale trying to buy the title one more time.

Despite what some people think, games like this are social in nature and many of the jurors feel that, if they can't win, they at least want to like the person who does win.

Back to Jerri. She threw her vote to Russell, as she swallowed his story about wanting to go to the end with her and Coach. Hey Jerri, he gave up the idol for Parvati, do you really think he will throw her over at the end of the game for you and Coach?

As for Coach, he's already semi-aligned with Russell, partly aligned with Rob, and fully aligned with Jerri. Makes me wonder how he thought he could remain loyal to that grouping of people. Still, when Jerri throws his name in the mix with Russell, he gets upset. Maybe because she was making a decision without him, or maybe because in her own way, she called him out. Who knows?

So initially, it seems like Russell wants to get rid of Courtney or Sandra. Anyone from Rob's alliance. Courtney actually has not done much in the game and had her first confessional of the game (that I can remember) during this episode. Sandra is stronger mentally than any of the women on the team, and can't be underestimated.

How to Lose a Game, Coach's Style
But when talk turns to Rob, it's Jerri who ultimately turns the tide by asking what impact Rob's absence would have on the team. Coach half-heartedly tells them it's not time but the deal has been cut and Rob becomes the target.

Rob, sensing that something is up and already beginning to suspect that Coach and Jerri might be aligned with Russell, decides that it's time Russell goes.

Jerri does provide the fourth vote, but it's Coach's ignorance and unwillingness to choose a side that really seals Rob's fate. If Coach had voted for Russell, it would have forced a tie. At that point, I think Jerri would have switched sides again simply because she would know that Coach would stick with his vote because of his "loyalty" and she would not have wanted to risk a second tie and the potential for random elimination.

Instead of seeing Russell for the player he is and going with his first alliance, Coach votes for Courtney. Rob said it best when, as he was leaving and Coach stood up to hug him goodbye, he called Coach a "little man."

His move made Coach the man without an alliance. I doubt if Russell will want him back now, and Sandra and Courtney likely won't trust him. Based on the previews for next week, Coach seems like an angry, thwarted man. To me, his vote sealed his fate and my feeling is that he has very little time left in the game. Coach's vote likely cost him the game as Russell's words echo: "If you're not for me, you're against me."

Old School
So Rob's departure left me feeling a little nostalgic. Sure, he did not make it far during his first round on Survivor, but he made it to the end and should have won the All Stars season. Jerri pointed out that Rob was old school, just like her. He was pre-Immunity Idol when you survived based on her wits and not a hidden advantage. The game has evolved and some of the players have not evolved with it. A part of me wishes that Rob would have aggressively searched for the idol and embraced the new aspects of the game. Instead, last week he was beaten by a part of the game that he really did not even want to acknowledge. I think it took a lot of fight out of him.

On the other hand, the Heroes actually came together as a team, and Colby managed back to back challenges that showed the competitor that he really is. Maybe Colby too was wishing for the purer, simpler version of "Survivor" when a top competitor was rewarded for their efforts and it had nothing to do with a little wooden doll hanging around the neck. Somehow or another, Colby turned his game around and the Heroes hit their stride. Makes you wonder what would have happened if Colby had been on his game from the start!