
Monday, March 29, 2010

One Mistake After Another!

Watching the most recent episode, I again began to wonder where they found these people and why they chose these teams! Maybe the producers wanted drama or maybe they wanted the "perfect, imperfect race." Whatever the reason, this season of TAR is turning out to be everything I've never seen.

Let me rephrase. This season of TAR is like none that have gone before. Sure, several teams made missteps in the past, but usually it was one team and usually, it lead to their elimination because the other teams were that focused.

The Great Equalizer
The most recent leg started in France and ended in Mahe, Seychelles off the coast of Africa. First, kudos to the producers for finding a truly unique location. On the other hand, boo to the producers for using airports to re-balance the game. An equalizer is great for the teams that are trailing but disastrous for the teams that are in front. It's kind of like a new school year with all teams leveled up. One flight was available to fly from France to their destination.

Surprisingly, two of the three teams to actually "get" the clue were Brent and Caite, and Jordan and Dan. The other team to figure out that seat assignments on the flight were important was Steve and Allie, which was actually not too surprising as they have been running well lately.

Jet and Cord, and Louie and Michael went off to find something to eat, while Brandy and Carol were just happy to get seat assignments, although they did have some doubts about being stuck so far back.

So why were seat assignments important? Once the plane landed, all the teams had to find a kiosk and pull a number for the next part of their journey. The nearer the front of the plane, the better their chances of getting to the kiosk and getting a good number.

The teams soon discovered that helicopters would take them the final miles to Seychelles. The order of departure would be determined by the numbers on the kiosk. Brent and Caite flew out first, followed by Steve and Allie, and Jordan and Dan.

The remaining three teams were stuck in the airport waiting for the return of the helicopters and falling behind. Brandy notes that the three strongest teams were still in the airport. Strongest? Hard to tell as none of them can consistently run clean legs.

Could Things Get Any Worse?
The Detour turned into a comedy of errors. Brent and Caite, who started the leg determined to do better, chose to load coconuts. The directions were explicit: each team had to load ALL the coconuts and use and ox cart to transport them. They spent way too much time patting each other on the back.

Steve and Allie, meanwhile, used a banana to lure a giant tortoise several feet to cross a line. They finished the task quickly and grabbed a bunch of bananas and began a 1.5 mile hike. Unfortunately, the pair left behind their backpacks and did not discover it until later.

Brent and Caite finished loading the coconuts but managed to overlook one coconut that had missed the target. An uncooperative ox made their journey an unhappy one as they quickly dissolved into their routine of backbiting and name calling but it also gave an opportunity for Dan and Jordan to catch up and pass them.

If there's a lesson to be learned from this Detour, it's don't argue with the man who holds the clue, just go back and fix whatever it is that has been done. In this case, Brent and Caite argued with the man who says they did not pick up all the coconuts. Brent threatens to quit the race. Caite pouts and cries. Altogether, an annoying display by two players who feel that they are entitled to more leeway than the other teams.

Louie and Michael caught up during this portion of the race. Only two teams took time to look around before hooking up the cart Dan and Jordan, and Michael and Louie.

7-Up for Life?
In the meantime, Steve and Allie discovered their missing backpacks while aboard the boat headed toward the Roadblock. A minor disagreement ensues but Dad wins out, and they continue on. Steve quickly swims to the buoy and dives for a bottle. The pair head for the shore, piece together their map, and head to the mat where they win 7-Up for life or some such thing.

Dan and Jordan struggle a bit with the Roadblock but end the race solidly in second place, having run their best leg to date.

Michael and Louie placed third followed closely by Team Whinesalot. Phil asked the teams who they would like to see eliminated and both teams focus on Brandy and Carol. I'm the first to admit that Brandy and Carol are hardly my favorites, but Caite's insistence she and Brent have done nothing to Brandy and Carol, is beyond ridiculous.
What Happened to My Boys?
The Cowboys have left me shaking my head these past few weeks. Dumb mistakes have lead to them falling further and further back in the pack. Not only did they fail to get on one of the first three helicopters, they left a coconut behind at the Detour, and then left their bottle aboard the boat. Sheer luck brought them to the mat where Phil told them they had to go back and get their bottle.

Disappointed, the pair headed back to the boat, which allowed Carol and Brandy to come in fifth. The Cowboys stayed in the game, though, when they were told that it was a non-elimination leg.

Mistakes all around. Makes me wonder how any of the teams will pull out a win. One a side note: I hope that the climates are warm from here on out for the sake of Steve and Allie. Backpacks may turn out to be the biggest mistake of the season.

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