
Friday, March 5, 2010

Dumbest Strategy in the History of the Game!

It's all in the editing and kudos to the editors of "Survivor" this week. They did a spectacular job of adding to the overall drama of the episode.

This blog might be a little backwards but it's only because certain things stand out and deserve mention up top.

Colby or Tom?
To me, some of the Heroes entered into the worst pre-merge strategy that I've ever seen — make an alliance and stick to that alliance at all costs. Rupert, James and Amanda have that strategy. Twice they voted off strong female players who would have helped in challenges. Last night, Tom or Colby seemed destined to go.

Tom or Colby? Are you kidding me? What were they thinking? It was plain to see that Cirie and Candice were going to go with the alliance they thought was strongest. They chose James' alliance because, well, it's James, and he's the Incredible Hulk of challenges.

What they did not bargain on is the hidden immunity idol which Tom secreted in his sock but not before Amanda caught a glimpse. Tom tried to use it to his advantage and gain some allies in the game but Cirie did what she does best and made Amanda doubt the deal Tom was offering.

In spite of their combined experience, the majority of Heroes are not that bright when it comes to playing the game. They headed to Tribal Council with the mentality that Tom or Colby had to go. The team is losing as it is, why not seal their fate by voting off strong members?

Here's an idea, let's get rid of Rupert. He's got a broken toe and struggles in competitions. How about Cirie? She doesn't contribute much during the challenges either. Then there's always Amanda. She could go and only James and Rupert would miss her. But no, the thought process was focused on Tom and Colby. Flush out the idol and then vote off Colby, and if Tom doesn't use the idol then he's gone.

Big gamble pays off!
So it was a gamble, a huge risk but one that had to be taken. The votes were cast. Tom used his idol and three votes were cast for Tom which counted for nothing. Rupert and James voted for Colby and thought that JT would too, but JT is obviously battling his inner hero. He chewed his lips through the entire tribal council. In the end, Cirie was sent packing with three votes and some cheers from me.

Don't get me wrong. I like Cirie. In fact, I rooted for her to win her season but this time, she seemed a little off. She was more duplicitous. Scheming a little harder and trying to "off" one of my guys. :) So she had to go.

Up until now, they voted as a block. I don't understand what James, Rupert, Amanda, Cirie, and Candice were thinking this round of voting. All they would have had to do is make Tom think they were voting for him and then everyone vote for Colby, and Colby would have been the one to go home. It would not have mattered if Tom had no votes cast against him, as long as he thought he was in jeopardy and played the idol.

Personally, I'm happy they were as bad at figuring out this strategic move as they are at doing puzzles!

Pity party for one?
Now that we have that out of the way. Time to return to early part of the episode. Did anyone see Coach's crying fit coming? Well, I guess everyone who watched the previews did but really, Coach why were you crying? Someone says you are walking off when work needs to be done and you dissolve in tears?

A little telling was who he sought out for comfort. Tyson. Not the most sympathetic guy in my book, but he definitely provided comfort to Coach who seemed to need assurance. I was surprised that he did not seek out Jerri but she might have told him to "grow a pair" or maybe she already did!

Boston Rob showed his leadership skills by not laughing in Coach's face which I might have been inclined to do. Instead, he assured Coach that he does belong and is important. Nice work, Rob!

Sears goes everywhere!
So here the teams are, stuck out on an island where the only mail they get is tree mail, and along comes a Sears catalog. Granted the catalog has only a few items, but they were thrilled to see it.

It's very interesting what they chose as the items for the reward challenge. The Heroes (or pseudo-Heroes) go for cooking items and fishing gear while the Villains go for tools, a tarp and a multi-function tool. The Villains are still hoping to construct proper shelter and this is what, day ... .

The Villains were on their game as they racked up three points to the Heroes one point. The Heroes came back scoring two points. In the final match of the challenge, Tyson took on Colby and won. It was surprising to me that Tyson managed to take this one as Colby beat him to the mat and put up a shot before Tyson even arrived. I still don't like Tyson, and it has little to do with him beating my Colby. I mean Colby.

The Villains came out on top and went back to camp with yet another win under their belts.

Side note: When I first saw the teams, I thought the Heroes had a clear advantage to every challenge. Physically, they do dominate the challenges but mentally the Villains are tougher.

Marked for elimination!
One of the biggest changes to the game of Survivor has been the inclusion of immunity idols. The first several seasons did not even have the hidden idol. Some survivors have used the idols to their advantage. Yau Man was the first to make a fake idol. Bob perfected the fake idol and made it so realistic and sold it so well, that Randy took the shaft for it.

While pulling the saw/knife out of the sheath, Russell unwittingly revealed the first clue. The team, led by Rob, agreed that whoever found the idol would be marked. To a degree, this is understandable. Rob never even had an idol in his season. He's probably seen what the idol can do and would rather remove its potential from the game. Still, the idol is part of the game.

As Rob dismisses the idol with a comment about building shelter, Russ begins plotting. Of all past seasons, Russell has made the most of the hidden immunity idols. He knows their power and he's not going to be put off from finding it with the threat that he will be voted out. There's definitely no honor among these Villains.

So Russell takes a walk. Rob tells Sandra to check on him and she finds him on the beach looking for the idol. Now Sandra foolishly thinks that Russell has sealed his own fate. While they might certainly attempt to vote him off, the person with the second highest number of votes will leave instead, because Russell is hardly a virgin when it comes to playing idols. That means that everyone is potentially vulnerable if Russell chooses to vote for them, and they are voting to flush the idol.

Play smart, people!

Most of the Heroes decide to look for the idol. Tom manages to find it and hopes to use it as leverage. Unfortunately, Tom doesn't realize that it can be an albatross around one's neck too. And that's exactly what it turns out to be for him. Both teams view the person with the idol as a potential enemy instead of as an ally! Only JT recognizes that Tom's idol has significant power when it comes to the game.

Physically/mentally stronger
The immunity challenge again features physical and mental elements. This time, the Villains get to the puzzle section first which is an oversized Labyrinth game that the players play blindfolded with one person giving the directions.

Once again, Boston Rob provides the leadership both in navigating the sphere he is riding in to the puzzle location and maneuvering the ball to the finish point. His puzzle skills are remarkable!

Tom did manage to do a good job too and the teams appeared to be virtually tied as they made their way to the finish point. Both missed on their first try, but Rob's team managed to push it through in the knick of time.

The Villains are definitely dominating the challenges so far. In spite of the fact that I feel as if I'm watching re-runs at times (both with the survivors themselves who have played multiple games, and the challenges), this is shaping up to be one of the best seasons.

So next week looks like a player goes down and possibly out of the game. I hate when that happens. Here's hoping it's not one of my favorites. ;)

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