
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Did All the Heroes Go?

Aren't they on the same team?

Right up front, I will say that I don't like to see someone hurt. That being said, I will add, the heroes have suffered more than there share of injuries but they aren't learning from them.

That's not the only problem for the Heroes though. Their biggest problem is they simply suck at puzzles. I've never seen a team lose this many challenges simply based on puzzles. I don't think they would win a puzzle making challenge even if the pieces were numbered!

No More Mr. Nice Guy
JT has changed up his game the most and maybe a bit too much. During his season of Survivor, he charmed his teammates and showed loyalty, and was rewarded with a win. This season, JT is loyal only to himself and his wishes. Everyone else is second to him. Maybe that's the way the game needs to be played in the end, but it's too soon, IMO. He's showed disloyalty from the beginning, and no one really trusts him.

Coach, on the other hand, has changed his game the least. Same old, same old! He continues to push his annoying philosophies on people regarding meditation and oneness with one's self. Coach truly believes he is a leader on his team and to prove that he leads his team in "Dragon Slayer Methodology 101" as some of his teammates smile and snicker to themselves.

Russell, a few yards away, continues his search for the immunity idol, and finds it. (It seemed to me that his was "buried" a little deeper than the one on the Heroes beach. :) ) Russell's right, the idol gives him power in this game. Whether it gives him the control he is seeking, remains to be seen. Now, in retrospect, I hope Coach asks himself what was the best course of action at that point, meditation on the beach or looking for the idol.

Eventually, Russell decides to disclose his "find" to Coach, who feels privileged to hold this piece of information. On the one hand, it's a smart move to tell Coach because Russell knows he's still "Coach." he's still the guy who will reward loyalty. On the other hand, I get the feeling that Russell is just too proud of his accomplishments. Russell HAS to share because he's so happy with himself and it could come back to bite him. On a team comprised of egos, Russell's ego is by far the biggest, which, considering he has not won, is some feat!

How Far Would You Go for Chocolate?
The Reward Challenge draws two very different reactions. As Jeff hands over the plates of chocolate, the Villains drool over their bite-sized pieces, while the Heroes, led by the Colby, ignore the plate of chocolate and return it to Jeff uneaten. Their point? They are focused! Or stupid! One or the other, but mostly just stupid. Why not taste it and fuel the desire to win?

During the first match, James hurts his knee. Kind of hard to see what happens, but it knocks him out of the game and the Heroes play one person short for the rest of the challenge. I still don't understand why Colby could not step in and play.

During the second match, the Heroes get physical. JT goes after Rob, Rob goes after JT, JT wrestles Coach to the ground. It's all good. Tyson, sinks a basket and just after, Rupert slams Jerri into a pylon. Ummm. Did I type that right? Rupert slams Jerri into a pylon. Yep! I did. What was he thinking? Who was guarding Russell at that point? Amanda? Good grief man, get real! He says he did not mean to do it, but it seemed pretty clear as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed her face first into the pylon after Tyson had already scored. Seems to me that Jeff messed up on a possible disqualification for the Heroes.

During the third and final match, JT tries to knock the balls out of the air before they reach the basket. It works a couple of times, but the Villains eventually win the reward!

The Heroes just can't put together a winning strategy! James stays behind to have the medical staff look him over. Now, I know that his injury is not life threatening but it could certainly affect his mobility in years to come! He should have been pulled from the game!

The Villains, meanwhile, enjoy a great reward. They eat chocolate in all forms and then a refreshing swim while Russell and Parvati scheme. Neither one can be trusted, so maybe they have the best alliance of all.

James comes back to the Heroes camp wearing what can only be described as a partial cast on his left leg. He claims it does not hurt but obviously, by the way he is walking, it does hurt. James later claims he's fit enough to beat Jeff in a race, but I think I could have beaten James in a race that day!

For his part, James is turning into the poutiest contender to date! Candice makes a lot of sense when she talks about James as dead weight. He's almost ineffective now, and he sits there and tells them he's the strongest team member. What has he done so far except toss Randy in the mud? I would bet pretty much any man on the Heroes team could have done the same thing.

It's Puzzling!
The teams arrive at the immunity challenge for another rehashed puzzle making challenge. Okay, yet another opportunity for the Villains to show off their puzzle solving skills. Like most such challenges, the Heroes got their pieces together first and start on their puzzle before the Villains. Like most every other time, the Villains come from behind to win.

What is the key to their success? Boston Rob, plain and simple. He's without a doubt one of the strongest competitors they have for challenges. Surprisingly, the Villains follow his lead quite well.

The Heroes return to camp to discuss who should go. To me, there's one logical choice at this point: James. Sorry James, but your attitude has been poor from the start, and it went further south with your injury. But somehow or another, the talk turns to Tom. What? Again?

Have These People Played this Game Before?
Their strategy defies explanation. To me, the point of this part of the game is to reach the merge with the team as much in tact as possible. With their pointless and beyond comprehension strategy, they are setting themselves up to reach the merge shorthanded. To me, their losing strategy started week one with the elimination of Sugar. Rupert should have gone first because of his toe injury.

Faced with choosing between his two alliances, JT does what he does best. He lies to one side and chooses the other. He tells Colby that he will vote to remove James, while telling Rupert his vote is for Tom. Too many alliances too early in the game. So far, JT has been one of the biggest disappointments of the game.

When all is said and done, Tom exits.

The Heroes at this point, don't deserve to go far in this game!

On the Villains side, Russell is playing the hardest with Parvati close on his heals. Rob and the rest of the Villains need to be aware of Russell's sneakiness and his possession of the idol. Right now, though, the Villains have this game well in hand.

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