
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Three Stooges Make the Final Three!

After more than two months, the "Brigade" finally outed themselves, and the fallout could be rather interesting as Britney heads to the jury house.

It's Time for the POV!
Once again this season, "Big Brother" hosted an all-to-easy POV comp with cards that featured the faces of two players. Their task was to match the right card with the two clues. Whatever happened to difficult competitions like they used to have during the final four? One season featured a competition of choosing the right house guest photo to match a clue. The photo also included a number which was used to determine the total number of seconds they had been in the house! Now that was a competition!

The two-faced cards were dead give-away clues to the right answers. Who wore a wiener suit? Ummm... that's pretty tough. At that point they only had to place all of the photos with Andrew in them in a pile and then narrow down the other clue.

I fully expected Britney to pull out the win on this one simply because of her constant bragging on the feeds about how much she knew about BB. Instead, Hayden took the victory. No surprise that Enzo and Lane failed to even make a good showing in this comp.

It does seem that the producers have been angling for a Brigade win for some time now with their choices of competitions that have required less and less skill.

"Bra-Gade" Revealed
As a result of Hayden's win, Enzo decided to "out" the alliance to her. He's been wanting to do it for awhile because he wanted the credit for forming what he considers to be the best alliance in BB history. For obvious reasons, Lane did not want the alliance disclosed and Hayden was a bit more non-committal but leave it to Enzo to get the ball rolling. While sitting with Lane and Britney in the HOH room, Enzo began by discussing alliances in the house and whether or not he was in one. In a half-teasing way, he narrowed his alliance to Lane, Hayden and Matt.

Initially, Brit's reaction was calm and she hardly reacted to the news. In fairness, it should not have been a huge surprise to her because Ragan figured it out weeks before, as did Kristen. The fact that she managed to stay in the house until the final four, and considering that she viewed herself as one of the shrewdest players in the history of the game, Britney should have been aware of the undercurrents between the three remaining men.

Once Hayden arrived, the discussion took a downward spiral. Hayden seemed disappointed that Enzo and Lane took it upon themselves to tell Brit without him present. As for Brit, the lights finally came on and she realized as Hayden told her he did not plan to use the veto, that she was, in fact, going home.

Eleven previous times, someone has gotten as far as the final four and realized that their game was over. It's a sucky position but again, did Brit really think she had broken the "boy code" in the house? Brit's reaction was predictable dissolving into a fit of tears and complaining that her entire summer was wasted. Unfortunately, the summer is wasted from about the fifth person through the 11th person evicted.

Personally, I think Britney enjoyed the fact that she was the last woman standing. It was kind of a point of honor with her. Had Enzo won HOH instead of Lane, she would probably have left before Ragan, so at least she had another week.

Enzo, who prides himself in taking over the role of the "Brains" of the "Brigade" may have altered the final outcome based on the spin Brit puts on it when she reveals it to the jury. Will the jury feel it was great game play? Or will they feel betrayed and vote personal? Really hard to predict with this group.

Enter Dumb and Dumber!
"Big Brother" is one of the few shows that can get by with airing footage totally random and out of sequence. The entire point of airing these clips is to provide insight into the "characters." So, the viewers are transitioned to the back yard where Lane is seen attempting to light the grill. Britney mistakenly assumed that the clicking of the ignition switch is allowing more gas into the grill; however, Lane had already taken care of the gas situation by turning the burners on.

After several failed attempts, Dumb is joined by Dumber and the two put their heads together to figure out why the grill won't light. Lane adjusts the burners and closes the lid presumably to keep the wind from hitting the flame. Closes the lid? Dumb move! The gas builds up under the hood and a mini-explosion follows the lighting of the grill. Lane exclaims that the fire singed the front of his pants, ignoring the fact that a little more force would have probably assured the no "little Lanes" would grace the future.

The message to viewers: These boys are not the sharpest tools in the shed!

Psuedo Live Eviction
In a turn of events, the POV was held during the fake live show. Lane and Britney give their speeches and both gush about the great experience and getting to know everyone. Each gives a shout out to their families (not sure, but I think this is the first year they have been able to give shout outs). Predictably, Hayden chooses not to use the use the veto, and Enzo votes to evict Britney, adding what a great girl she is.

No surprise that Britney did some Rachel bashing during her interview with Julie. She also said she forgave the Brigade and even deemed it great game play. It's probably hard to admit that you were played by this threesome, but to call it great game play?

As Britney left, the three remaining embarked on the final HOH. Unless they were sitting on replicas of their keys, this competition was a departure from past final three comps where the key factored into the challenge. Instead, the guys sat on swings which swung between two walls causing them to hit both walls. It was a variation of a season 10 comp when Dan won his first HOH.

As the show ended, the three were careening across the back yard. Would this be the first true endurance competition with all the house guests putting in their greatest effort? Or, would they fall in a pre-determined order?

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