
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hayden for the Win!

The "Big Brother" finale is just hours away, and if everything goes as it should, Hayden will walk out as the winner of BB12.

But things rarely goes as they should ... at least not in the Big Brother house.

Of the three remaining house guests, Hayden deserves to win. He took home three HOHs, a POV, and played a great social game. And that's what it's all about! A great social game.

But for Hayden to win the season, he needs to complete the task, which is to win the final part of the HOH competition. He needs to control his own destiny because if Lane wins, he will probably not take Hayden to the end with him. Why would he? It would be stupid strategy to take someone like Hayden to final two when he knows that Hayden is both well liked by the jury, and is considered a competitor as well. Who would take an obvious double whammy to the final two?

If Lane wins, he will most likely take Enzo to the final two where at least he would have a better shot at winning the $500,000 prize. What Lane does not realize is that he is probably playing for second place no matter what! The vote breakdown of a Lane/Enzo finish might look something like this: Rachel - Enzo, Kathy - Enzo, Matt - ?, Brendon - Enzo, Ragan - Enzo, Britney - Lane, Hayden - Enzo.

The only vote that is in question is Matt's simply because he might view Enzo as the reason he left the game early. Some of the votes depend on how much credit Enzo takes for the Brigade (which will be a lot, knowing Enzo). Rachel and Brendon will appreciate his game play. Hayden will probably be too upset over his eviction to vote for Lane, and Kathy will probably give it to Enzo because of his underdog qualities.

On the other hand, if Hayden pulls out a win, which he should but who knows, he will more than likely take Lane to the end of the game with him. Why? Because Lane is such an easy target. No wife or family, no competitive drive in the game, and his family is wealthy. Add them up, and Lane is the best patsy of the group no matter who he sits beside.

But so much hinges on the final HOH. If ... Hayden does not win, then game over for him.

There's a growing sentiment that Hayden does not deserve to win. Maybe there's a feeling that he does not deserve to win since he's not a longtime fan of the show. Whatever! Bottom line is Hayden did play an outstanding game and does deserve it. Hope the producers see it the same way!

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