
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Survivor 20: The Unpredictable Russell Hantz

Russell proved tonight why he will never be known as the greatest survivor in the history of the game. How? By dropping out of the first immunity challenge during the first temptation.

Obviously, hunger is a huge factor but do you risk your safety to eat? I don't know. Russell knew he was safe, but it seems like he's always expecting his teammates to come through in the challenges. To me, that's just not a quality you look for in the Greatest Survivor Ever.

Where Did All the Heroes Go?
Heroes vs. Villains! No one has seemed tremendously heroic this season. There were a few villains that seemed not to fit in with the rest of the team: Jerri, Boston Rob and Courtney, among others. There were a few heroes that would have been better suited as villains: Candice, JT, James and even Rupert.

What's really strange is that this far into the game, the titles of Heroes and Villains remains a point of contention. The argument between Russell and Rupert was a little humorous as each man defended his role of either hero or villain. Rupert wears his appointment to the hero tribe like a badge. While Russell, considers his membership in the Villains tribe an honor.

Either way, the two men went toe to toe with Russell promising Rupert he would go home. Two chances to send Rupert home, and he's still around!

Decisions! Decisions! Food vs. Immunity!
Candice was a fool. She felt safe when no one is really safe. So, she too, went for the food instead of the idol. She must have known she would have two votes (Rupert's and Colby's) against her. Parvati, Danielle and Jerri did not hide their dislike for her, so her safety was really questionable.

Her best hope was the immunity idol or the hidden immunity idol. Finally, the producers took a chance on fairness and read the clue to the hidden idol with everyone. The mad dash for the idol made for great television. They scattered and searched. Thankfully, Sandra found it and managed to keep it a secret from the rest of the tribe.

On a side note: I'm still waiting to find out what the note said.

Rupert, on the other hand, did not find the idol but was successful in giving everyone the impression that he did have the idol. It was a great deception and one that paid off big time during the tribal council.

Russell made another error of judgment in splitting the votes on the assumption that Rupert had the hidden immunity idol. As a result, Candice went to the jury. And Rupert lives to see another day.

It's All in the Game Play!
Colby has been the most interesting non-factor in the game as a whole. On the radar since week three, he manages to hang in there simply because he's a non-threat. He barely tries in the challenges, and his strategizing has been almost non-existent. It's almost an embarrassment that he has made his way into three seasons of "Survivor."

On the other end of the spectrum, Russell and Parvati have not quit strategizing. Because of this, Russell attempts his own coup when he goes to Danielle and tells her he wants to get Parvati out. Then, Russell being Russell, goes to Parvati and tries to pin it on Danielle. His goal is to turn them against each other. The biggest threat to his plan is that they might compare notes, which they do.

Parvati is not stupid. There's a reason she was included on the Villains tribe. She went straight to Danielle and confronted her about what Russell said. The two realize that Russell is hardly the ally they hoped he was. The tension between the three of them was palpable.

Even though Parvati was the bigger threat, Russell's focus was getting Danielle out of the game. Why? So that he could be closer to Parvati again? Why did Russell assume that getting rid of Danielle would translate into better relations with Parvati? His logic is confusing at best.

The final Tribal Council was very telling. Jeff, of course, asks the questions that he knows will get the best responses. As a result, Danielle reveals just how close to Parvati she really was, ultimately sealing her own fate. Still not sure why Jerri flipped. To me, the women should have stuck together to eliminate the men and then fought it out at the final four.

Russell burned a lot of bridges this time around. It looks like next week he plans to join forces with Colby and Rupert. I wonder what they will call themselves. The Heroic Villains?

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